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Meanwhile, you were finally having your intimate moment with Sakura, Lord Seventh was in hot pursuit of the purple chakra that possessed Sasuke. The last thing Naruto wanted was something like this to get away when it's mere inches away from his grip.

"I wonder where the source of this chakra could be from since it looks like it's being controlled."

The famous leader thought to himself. He didn't see the need to release more power. In the meantime, he just had to make sure not to lose track of where the chakra was going. He only wished that he had some form of back-up just in case. The last thing the village needed was for their leader to get lost somewhere far or worse, his sudden death.


"I had no idea you felt that way towards me?"

"Really? Everyone else knew." 

You and Sakura exchanged chuckles as you two broke away from your hug. Sasuke has been passed out for a little while now and you were glad he was. You wouldn't have the guts to do such a thing if he was fully conscious. Even though you were probably having one of the best moments in your life, right now with Sakura, you couldn't help but to feel bad about your Hokage pursuing whatever that thing was on his own. It was powerful and you weren't sure if this was something that you had enough training for. You've been training for a long time but you're not as powerful as Sasuke, Naruto or Sakura. Your eyes gazed towards the path Lord Hokage went and your body kept itching to go forward. Meanwhile, your emotions were battling against it; you weren't confident enough in your power.

"(y/n)...what's the matter?"

 You broke out of your thoughts to look towards Sakura; she carried an expression of concern. You looked at her and you felt your face soften. Seeing her face reminded you of why you were here with her, seeing her expression reminded you of what type of man, what kind of ninja you truly are. You made your decision in what you had to do. You weren't going to just do it for the village but, you were going to do it for her.

"Sakura. I'll always love you. But, I have to move on." 

You slowly leaned in forward towards Sakura face. She wasn't shifting away from you and the idea to kiss her, of course, crossed your mind. This was something that you have thinking about for years. The moment you were close enough, you gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. Honestly, you wouldn't dare kiss someone else's spouse on the mouth; just isn't cool. Sakura was surprised at the sudden gesture but you merely smiled at her.

"I need to help Lord Hokage. Stay here and mend Sasuke's wounds. I'll see you later Sakura."

Before you could let her respond, you were off on the same path that you saw Lord Seventh take. You could only hope that you weren't too late to aid him.


"I can't believe how far off this thing has dragged me. I can't keep playing this game of cat and mouse." Naruto was calm as he kept pursuing the mysterious purple chakra. But, even he can admit that his actions earlier were a bit hasty considering his position. He is the leader of his village and should have another ninja with him present. But, he just couldn't bear the thought of something like this getting away that hurt his friends. As he stayed focus, his running came to a halt as the chakra stopped moving. He did his best to stay on his toes since the last thing he wanted was to be taken by surprise.

"Surprise Hokage!"

"A trap?" Naruto was quickly able to see a feminine figure rise above from hiding underground. He was able to avoid her attack. He was a little surprised but as the Hokage, he does do his best to be ready for any attack that may come his way.

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