Quality Time.

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As you got off the boat, you decided to rush over to Fumiko's home now that you were able to pick up the pace. It wasn't long until you spotted her home - just as she described it. You smiled seeing that a light was still on. She's still awake. You took that last leap that would bring you to her front door. Now that you were finally here, you took a moment to let in and out a big breath before lightly knocking on the door. You immediately heard footsteps. You were still nervous - heart racing a little bit more. You were smiling so big, feeling giddy inside. You were excited. You heard the locks come undone and she opened the door. Seeing her made her expression change completely. You almost forgot how beautiful she looked.

You dropped your bag as you went to hold her in your arms. Your lips quickly but gently locked with hers. When you slowly backed away, you heard her say, "wow." That gave you all the confidence in the world. You slowly let go of her as you reached for your bag and jokingly asked if you could come in. She jokingly said no. You both laughed as she let you in.

"Well, this is my home. Want a tour?"

"Right now? I'm sure you're tired. You can give me one later in the morning." She yawned. Right after, you yawned.

"Contagious." She said. She then gestured for you to follow her upstairs.

"I hope you don't mind bunking with me for the next two nights."

"I don't mind at all." Being here with her slowly melted all your worries away. You were beginning to feel less nervous. The sex topic wasn't an issue anymore along with the bed arrangements. All you could think about now was being able to hold onto her until you two fell asleep. 

"Where is your bathroom?"

"Oh, next to the bedroom." She responded as she opened the bedroom door and pointed to the bathroom. You thanked her as you entered the bedroom and noticed that it smelled just like her. You walked through the bedroom to get to the bathroom and closed the door behind you after blowing her a kiss. You watched as she pretended to catch it and place it on her cheek. You wanted to shower, change and get into bed as quickly as possible. You were exhausted from the travel. You dropped your weekend bag on the floor by the sink. You didn't pay too much mind to the appearance of her bathroom, you just knew it was spacious. You took off your clothes, folded them, and put them in your bag as you took out your night clothes. You placed your sleep clothes on top of the toilet so you can change into them after showering. Feeling prepared, you took a moment to figure out how her shower worked. Why is every shower vastly differently? You felt dumb for a moment and before you knew it, you were able to get the water to be a reasonable temperature.

You hopped in and felt your body relax almost instantly.

About half an hour passed and you were done with your shower, got out, brushed your teeth, changed into your night clothes, and exited the bathroom with your bag in hand.

"Hey, where can I put my bag?"

"By the window should be fine."

"Gotcha." You replied as you walked towards the window. So far, you noticed that her home is rather spacious. You haven't gotten a tour yet but from outside, you can tell her home was not small at all. You dropped your bag by the window and quickly got into bed. She was already in bed and was reading a book while she was waiting for you.

"I can't believe you're here. In my home. This is exciting."

"I know. I feel the same way." You said to her as you reached in to give her another kiss. You felt her hand caress your cheek. You couldn't believe how at home you felt. You looked into her eyes as she looked into yours. All the things you always wanted to get from Sakura you were now getting said things from Fumiko. Except that it feels way better than you originally anticipated. You gave her another kiss on her forehead and said that it was finally time to sleep. She agreed as she reached over to turn off the lights. She gave you a kiss on the cheek goodnight and you too held each other as you both slowly fell asleep.

Later on in the morning, she woke up first. She didn't get out of bed though. She gently gave you light kisses on your cheek until you woke up. You groggily opened your eyes and saw her. You knew it would be a great feeling to wake up to her but this turned out to feel a million times better than you ever imagined.

"Good morning." You said to her as you turned your face away from her to let out a large yawn. She giggled.

"Good morning to you too. Slept well?"

"I think so. Your bed is really comfortable."

"That's why I bought it."

"Smartest decision you've ever made."

"Thank you. Want to make breakfast with me?"

"I'd be more than happy to." She smiled. You smiled wholesomely seeing how happy she was that you were going to make breakfast together. You watched as she got out of bed and you followed suit. Right before leaving the room, you tidied up her bed a bit. She noticed.

"You can leave the bed like that."

"Nonsense. I'll tidy it up a bit." She let you as she walked downstairs to the kitchen. It took you a few minutes but the bed was made and you were now ready to make your way downstairs to join her in the kitchen. 

"Okay! What do you have in mind to make today?"


"That's it?"

"I'm kidding, (y/n)." 

"Oh!" You laughed since you were genuinely caught off guard.

"Wanna try making those fluffy pancakes that everyone keeps talking about?"

"You know how to make those?"

"No. Hence why I asked if you wanna try?" She giggled holding up a mixer and a bowl.

"Sure. Let's give it a try. The worse case scenario is that we have ugly yet delicious pancakes to eat."

Fumiko got the rest of the ingredients and placed them on the kitchen island. She took the job of making the batter and you took the job and frying the pancakes. The first one came out awful but you two were having a wonderful time together. You felt such glee within. You spent so many years pursuing Sakura and you thought eventually, you would be with her. Moments like these were what kept you going at the time - that you knew you would have moments like this with her and it would have all been worth it. Unfortunately, it turned out not to be. You spent a lot of time investing in something that did not work for you. At least, it was not all for naught because luckily in getting over Sakura, you were able to meet and get to know Fumiko.

Being in this moment with her, messing up pancakes and nibbling on whatever good parts were salvaged from the tries made you feel that all the pain of being without her made it all worth it now that you were.

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