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Sakura was taken to the hospital and has been there for a handful of days now. While there, we learned more about the scroll. The scroll is known to make whatever is enclosed within it much stronger; stronger than most can handle. Which could have been the reason why Fumiko wanted it so bad in the first place. When Lord Seventh captured the already powerful chakra in the scroll, it immediately started to become stronger. When the news was brought about, it was already too late. Somehow, the chakra got lose and made its ways to Sakura.

  Another thing we learned, the given, was the host behaving strangely and out their ordinary. We weren't quite sure about the cause of that but no need to worry any longer.   

Sakura's body needs a handful of weeks to fully heal and the scroll was taken somewhere no one can reach. The chakra ended up getting sealed away somewhere you don't know about. Mainly because you didn't want to. You wanted it all to be done with. All you wanted was to go back to the time when you were still in love with Sakura, would wake up every morning and watch Sarada have breakfast, bring breakfast to Sakura and Sasuke was out of the village.

It was a simpler time.

But now, you spent a portion of your time visiting Sakura. When you learned that Sakura was going to be in the hospital for about 3 weeks, you decided to put your missions on hold. At least, until you knew that Sakura was feeling much better. You did your best to go whenever Sasuke wasn't there which was pretty much a small time slot; he was there almost every waking moment. There were sometimes when he was away from her for a longer period of time because he would actually walk to their house to get more things that Sakura needed. But usually, he'd teleport. He didn't want to keep her waiting.

You couldn't believe how present he was. His time being here has really shown you how loving he is to her. You continue to feel surprised each time you'd witness him being a loving husband and father. Sarada didn't show when Sakura was first brought to the hospital because she was extremely worried. You didn't have to console her this time because Sasuke did; he was able to take all of his daughter's worries away. 

You used to do that.

When everything happened, you called Fumiko to update her.

"Fumiko. I guess we have a better understanding of why you wanted the scroll so badly."

"What do you mean?"

"That fact that whatever is sealed in it can multiple its powers."


"How come you never told me?"

"You never asked."

Is essentially how the conversation went. It was so nice to hear her voice though. Out of all the chaos that you felt you were going through, she was your solace. She told you about her daughter and how she was doing in kindergarten. She had already brought home some paintings. She was telling you how her teacher said she is one of the best painters in class. You wondered where she could have gotten such a talent from.

It was during that phone conversation that you started to make plans to see Fumiko. She asked about the scroll and you had no choice but to tell her that it's basically gone. You have no idea where it could possibly be. You told her because you wanted nothing to do with that scroll anymore. Then, she brought up that if it wasn't for the scroll, you two would have never met. So, you guessed the scroll came in handy for something but you added on that now its deeds are done and it can go rest wherever it lays.

She giggled. 

You smiled.

You two hung up and you decided to go see Fumiko soon after Sakura started feeling better. Basically, whenever she started walking again. You felt it would be inappropriate if you left any time before unless it's an emergency mission.


The next week, you were able to visit Sakura but it was pretty late at night. Sasuke had gone home with Sarada to put her to bed. Sakura actually suggested for him to stay home and actually get a good night's rest. He rebutted but she insisted. This was your only chance, for who knows how long, to talk to her. 

The nurses directed you to her room and you saw her laying down, looking out the window.

"It's really difficult to see the stars now."


"Yeah. Ever since the village expanded."

"I know. I used to think the same thing."

"You don't anymore."

"No, I still do but I don't talk about it as much. I just walk deeper into the forest on some days if I really want to see the stars."


"Yes, Sakura?"

"How did we get here?" You knew what she meant.

"...I'm not sure..."

"We were so close..."

"We still are. Just...not right now..."


"Because Sasuke came home and I knew I had to back off."

"Are you afraid of Sasuke-Kun?"

"Sakura, who isn't afraid of Sasuke?"

"I know he can be a scary guy."

"He is a scary guy." There was an awkward pause. It felt like it lasted a long time. You went and sat down on one of the chairs close to her hospital bed. You looked at her, she was still looking at you. You just sat there. Then, you took it out of your mind that it was awkward and starting waiting for Sakura to pace herself and figure out what to say next since you weren't sure what to say next. You just wanted to be here with her and visit her. But, you two just aren't in a good place right now.

"What happened when I was possessed by the chakra?"

"What did Sasuke tell you?"

"That I almost destroyed your apartment."

"Yep. That's what happened."

"What else?"


"Why are you lying to me?" 

"I'm not lying." Of course, she knew you were lying.

"I know when you're lying to me!  Stop fucking lying to me!"

"I'm not lying."

"(y/n)!" Her eyes were beginning to tear up out of frustration.

"I'm not!" 

"Stop it!" 

"I'm stepping out..." You sounded so cold. Lacking the emotions necessary to console. But, you felt it was best to create some space between you two before the conversation got any more heated. When you left the door slightly open behind her, you heard her crying. At that moment, something told you not to tell her everything that happened. That it might put her marriage in jeopardy and that was the last thing you wanted. How did all this drama happen? It started happening when you wanted your distance to get over her and now, you're in this ugly place with her. The last place you wanted to be with her. Sakura is your best friend - someone you can talk to about anything and now you're lying to her thinking it could save her marriage.

Sasuke doesn't suspect a thing. But, that's mainly because he doesn't know you how Sakura does. You originally intended to talk to her about it which was one of the main reasons why you've been trying to have alone time with her. 

You've also been acting like a dick too. You never meant to but you have. You've never been like that with her. You're always so loving and gentle to ease her pain of Sasuke being away for extended periods of times.

So why be this way when he's around?

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