Lunch Date.

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The time had finally come. You spent all of yesterday packing for the weekend. According to the Fumiko explanations, it would take you about 5 or maybe more hours to get to her village. So, you decided to leave tonight, on Thursday so that you can arrive very early Friday morning. That way, you'll have about 3 days and 2 nights with her. You could not wait to see her again. 

You were still in your house making sure you had everything for your trip tonight. It was the afternoon and you were planning to make a late lunch when you heard your doorbell ring. You let out an irritated sigh because who could be at your door? Since when are you this popular? You were hoping that if you barely made noise, then whoever was at your door would decide to you. You took a pause in checking your weekend bag to see if they would ring the bell again. Right when you thought they left, they run it again. 

Looks like it is someone who knows your schedule well.

You left some of your clothes on the bed and walked to the main door. Looking through the peephole, you saw it was Iruka. You opened the door, greeted him and offered to let him in. He agreed and made himself at home.

"(y/n)! I hear you are going to travel for the weekend."

"Who told you?"

"Sakura-chan. I went to visit her in the hospital this morning. She seems to be in better spirits."

"That's good to hear." You didn't think she was going to tell everyone about your traveling plans. You didn't want to bring too much attention to it. Things are still early with Fumiko.

"So, where are you heading off to? I'm curious."

"I'm going to see Fumiko. Sakura is doing much better and she said it was okay for me to go."

"I see...have everything you need?"

"I do. Did you come here just to be nosey?"

"I did not. Since you're leaving for the weekend I thought we could get a late lunch together."

"Are you paying?"

"For myself."

"Fair enough. Just give me a second and we can leave now."

"I'll be waiting." He replied and he walked over to sit on your sofa. You walked back into your room and scanned all over to make sure you would have everything you needed. Condoms. "NO! NOT DOING THAT!" You quickly thought to yourself. Not that you didn't want to but it feels too soon. But, Fumiko seems to be interested. You were starting to ponder how long you've had these condoms actually. You looked at the expiration date. They were still good but it has been a while since you ventured for women just to have sex. You were that person for a little bit and it left you feeling unsatisfied in a way. Sometimes it didn't feel right no matter how much the women wanted to just have sex to. 

Felt empty sometimes. 

Even though the condoms were still good to go, you decided not to bring them along for the ride. You stuffed them back in your draws. After you checked your bag, you saw that you were set and could forget about packing for a while because you're done. Putting your bag by the foot of your bed, you checked yourself in the mirror to make sure you looked decent. Feeling good, you exited your bedroom. You watched over to your main door, grabbed your keys and gestured for Iruka to follow. He swiftly got up from your sofa and you held the door open for him to exit first. You walked out behind him and turned around to close and locked the door. You put your keys in your pocket and you two were off.

"Any suggestions on where we should go for lunch?" Iruka asked.

"This was your idea. I figured you knew where you wanted to go."

"You know all the good food spots."

"Doesn't mean you never have to choose."

" about burgers?"

"Is that the best you can do?"

"Yes actually!"

"Fine. Fine." You said with a chuckle. There is this new restaurant that opened up. Want to go there?"

"What kind of restaurant is it?"

"A surprise."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny."

"I'm only teasing. It's a variety. Let's go check out the menu and if nothing peaks your interest then, we'll go out for pizza."

"It's been so long since I've had pizza! Let's go straight there!"

"You sound like such a kid."

"Let me be!" You simply chuckled as you began walking in the direction of the pizza place that you and Iruka used to go to when you two used to spend more time together. In moments, you two arrived and you walked up to the cashier to order four slices of pizza; two for each of you. As you were waiting for the pizzas, Iruka went to find a table outside for you two. When the slices were ready, you paid and started adding some spices and herbs to the slices that you knew Iruka would like. After you were down sprinkling the spices on all of the slices, you picked up the tray that was given to you and brought the pizzas over to the table. You careful set down the tray in front of Iruka and you could see how excited he was.

You smiled seeing how happy he was feeling.

It didn't take long until Iruka picked up and slice and started digging in. You followed suit. It wasn't long until all four slices were gone. You two sat there for a little bit feeling nothing but satisfaction.

"Are you excited about seeing Fumiko?"

"Of course but I think she wants to have sex."

"...and what's wrong with that?"

"I just think it's too soon."

"Are you going to like her any less?"

"Probably not?"

"Then what's the harm?"

"I just want to take my time with her is all."

"Okay. How long have you been in love with Sakura-chan?"


"How long have you been looking for a decent mate but you were too busy being promiscuous?"


"Precisely. If when you two are together and a moment occurs between you two, why not go for it?"

"When you put it that way, it helps me feel better about it. If the moment happens then there doesn't seem to be any harm in being intimate with Fumiko. If the moment doesn't happen then it isn't the end of the world."

"That's the spirit. Now, can you be a dear and buy me a beverage please?"

Reaching HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora