Growing Closer

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The sun was starting to set now and Fumiko actually wanted to stay by the water to watch the sun go down. You thought this was an extremely romantic scene. You had no idea what was going on in Fumiko's head. You tried not to over-think what was happening. You pointed out a nice bench nearby for you two to sit on while the sun sets.

"This is such a beautiful sight. It has been a while since I've seen a view like this."

"It is. Aside from the missions, how is your life like back in your village?"

"Oh, nothing special. I paint. Read to the children in some centers here and there during my free time when I'm not training. I have little hobbies here and there."

"Oh! I would love to see some of your paintings! Maybe....maybe I could come visit your village one day and you can show me around."

"You know what? I would actually like that. You don't seem like such a bad guy despite the terms we met on."

"I'm not the best person in the world either."

"What makes you say that?"

"I've made my mistakes here and there."

"Just like anyone else?"


"Were they mistakes that damaged some parts of your life?"

"I honestly thought it would have. But it didn't. Still doesn't make me feel that much better of a person. I took a risk knowing the consequences. I did it hoping for the best. It didn't turn out how I thought it would but at least it was something of a good ending."

"That's good to hear. Maybe one day, when you're more comfortable, you can tell me the entire story."

"Yeah. I'd like to one day."

As you two continued to chat, the sun slowly disappeared. Before you knew it, it was night time and it was time to get dinner. You didn't want to take her anyone too fancy considering the feel of everything. You wanted to take her somewhere where she could eat plenty of delicious food and not break the wallet. You took her to a local place that sold dumplings and plenty of other food that tasted delicious but was super cheap.

"I've been thinking to take you to this place because they sell delicious food at super affordable prices. Plus they have drinks."

"Really?! I'm so excited now, (y/n)! I can't wait to eat." You were glad to see her so excited. You flagged down a worker to let you know where you two could sit. You were told to sit anywhere since the place was still a little empty. Fumiko pointed to a table close to the window. You let her lead the way and you walked behind her. Before she could sit down, you pulled out her chair for her, waited for her to sit down and slowly pushed her back in. Right after, you went to sit in the chair in front of her.

"Thank you, (y/n)."

"You're very welcome, Fumiko."

When you two got comfortable, a waiter came to give you the food and drink menu. The waiter said that he would be right back to take your order. Fumiko took her time to look through everything but you already knew what you wanted to eat and drink. You usually would get the same thing when you would come to this place because you don't get a chance to come here and often as you'd like. It sounds boring but if it ain't broke.

"You know what you wanna get?" She asked you.

"I do. Do you?"

"I do too. I always get the same thing."

"Why not try something new for a change?"

"If it ain't broke."

"It doesn't have to be broken to try something new."

".....that's know what....maybe I will try something new."

When the waiter came to take your order, you ordered something on the fly. Fumiko gave her ordered and you two waited patiently for your food to be made.

"What are your plans for when you go back to your village?"

"Aside from telling my leader that I failed to get the scroll?"

"My offer still stands for us to become allies, Fumiko. I don't see the harm in trying."

"I would have to discuss it with my leader. I'm sure you would have to do the same."

"Lord Seventh is all about unity. I'm sure he would love the idea and meet with your leader."

"Hmm. Gives me something to think about more then."

"I'm glad you're considering it."

In moments, the food had arrived and everything looked and smelled delicious; just like how you remembered it.

"Enjoy your food. Please take your time."

"Thank you!" You both said in unison. You two looked at each other and smiled. After giving thanks for your food, you took began to eat. Fumiko took one good bite from her food and she swooned.

"This is so goooooood! How did you find this place?"

"My best friend's daughter told me about this place. She learned about it and asked me to take her here after school. Of course, I did and I've been coming here ever since. The food here is something else." You said to her as you continued to stuff your face. You didn't realize how hungry you really were. You didn't realize how hungry Fumiko was either. She was nearly done with her food already.

"Oh wow. You were really hungry." You said to her.

"Yes and no. It's mainly because the food is so great and it's been a long time since I've had food this great."

"...sorry to ask randomly but, do you have any family back home?"

"I have a daughter waiting for me at home. She stays with her father though. He's a pretty famous painter in our village."

"'re married."

"We've been divorced for years now."

"Oh! How come it didn't work out? If you don't mind me asking."

"We were better off as friends. Believe it or not. Sometimes two people fall in love but they don't fall in love romantically and mistaken it for romantical love. We realized just a little too soon too late. But, everything is okay and it has been for a long time."

"How old is your daughter?"

"She's five now. She's going to turn six in about 5 months."

"Wow. She must be big."

"She is. She started school not long ago but her father went with her to bring her to school. I had to go on this mission so I had to miss her first few weeks of school."

That one hit you. You couldn't imagine having a child and missing their first few weeks of school because you had to go on a mission. It broke your heart.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"You know it just as well as I do that this is the life of a ninja. But, for a young kid, she's very understanding."

"Because she loves her mom."

"Yes. Because she loves her mom."

It didn't take long for you two to finish up eating and drinking. Feeling extremely satisfied, you pay the bill even though Fumiko wanted to pay some of it. You insisted that she doesn't since it was your idea to take her out in the first place. She agreed and started heading out of the small restaurant. You made sure to give a good tip, said goodnight to the workers and met with Fumiko outside. When you saw her turn towards you, you didn't know what came over you but to went over and took her hand in yours. It didn't feel romantic but you wanted to become a better friend to her. Not that you didn't find her attractive because clearly, you do. But, getting to know her more made you want to be more nurturing to her. Similar to how you have been with Sakura all these years.

She didn't seem to mind you holding her hand. She only smiled and let you lead the way back to your place.

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