Chapter 1: Celestine Fray

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Hey guys! This is my second mortal instruments fanfiction. The first one is 'By The Angel'. Do check that out as well.
I only own my oc(s) and changes and twists in the plot line. But anything and everything that you recognise belongs to Cassandra Clare. Hope you like the story. Don't be quick to judge. All reviews are welcome and appreciate.
And a fair warning, I never proofread. So there may or may not be a load of mistakes.
Chapter 1
Celestine Fray

Celestine Fray couldn't believe her damned luck. It was her eighteenth birthday and adulthood was already not suiting her.

She never should have agreed to this 'celebration'. Whatever happened at the club was getting into her head. Those people, that blond boy who seemed to find it weird that she and Clary could see him. The very same boy who Maureen and Simon could not see.

And those...those creatures. The two boys and the girl, they killed them. But they couldn't have been human, right? Humans don't have tentacles coming out of their faces. And then her dearest sister decided to run for it without her.

On her way out she saw a weirdly familiar face. Funnily that face seemed like one she had seen in a dream. And his voice seemed too familiar to be a stranger's. But strangely, she had no recollection of any moments spent with the man.

She couldn't help but think what mess she had gotten herself into as she ran home in her 5 inch heels.

She had just reached her apartment when she was suddenly surrounded by people.

"This is the daughter." A man with a bright red circle on his neck said.

Celestine looked at everyone and noticed each one of them had the same circle on the exact same spot. There had to be at least 12-14 of them, Celestine was too flustered to count properly.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"We want the Mortal Cup." A woman said. "Give it to us and we will leave you alone, unharmed."

"I don't even know what's a mortal cup!" Celestine said. The people surrounding her laughed.

"She's quite the actress isn't she?" A man asked laughing.

"Get away." Celestine yelled, feeler braver for some reason.

"If that's how you want to play." One of the men said before launching himself at her.

Celestine aimed a kick at his ankle and snatched this sword out of his hand and ran it through him. It was a sword too similar to those in the hands of the trio back at the club. It was about the same length and had the same glow.

"Knows how to fight does she?" A woman said laughing herself at her.

Celestine held out her blade and it went right through the woman's stomach. She took the woman's blade as well and got rid of her.

Adrenaline was rushing in her and she moved before she thought. When she found herself still alive a few moments later, she decided to simply go with it.

The last thing she remembered seeing was the same blond boy from the club carrying Clary down the stairs before everything went black.
Hope you guys liked this chapter. If you did, do vote, comment, follow and share. Take a look at my other stories and I update fast. So..ya.

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