Chapter 2: Alec Lightwood

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Chapter 2
Alec Lightwood

"So you didn't manage to find out who is buying all the blood?" Mayrse Lightwood asked her son.

"No. But we strongly believe that it is Valentine." Alec replied.

"What you believe doesn't matter. You have no proof of any kind." She said.

"I understand." Alec replied.

"Alec, the Clave is losing faith in us Lightwoods." Mayrse said. "With all the attacks in New York and next to no leads over this period of time, they think that we are not working efficiently. Not to mention all the Circle members around here."

"Yes. Circle members reminds me...what did the Clave say know?" Alec questioned.

"The girl, Celestine Fray." Mayrse said. "She killed no less than 16 Circle members who the Clave has been trying to track down for over a decade to derune and exile. She alone killed each one of them and she has had no training. The Clave is wondering how good she will be once trained." Mayrse sighed.

"There is something else, isn't there?" Alec asked hesitantly.

"The Clave wants to appoint her the head of institute." Mayrse informed him. "Hand her the reigns."

"You can't be serious. She has no knowledge of the shadow world and no training." Alec said disbelievingly.

"And yet, she managed to kill 16 Circle members who the best shadowhunters couldn't bring themselves to challenge. And she wasn't so much as scarred. A few bruises here and there, sure. But nothing more than that. The Clave is impressed. I fear, that one girl has more political and other influence than us Lightwoods at the moment." Mayrse said. "And I fear it will only increase with time."

"There has to be something that can be done." Alec said.

"There is. We need a strong political alliance. And quickly. Isabelle's..adventures with downworlders have ensured that we won't be getting one from her anytime soon." Mayrse said. "But you can get us one. One that will give us influence and one that will land the institute right back into our hands whatever the Clave decides."

"You don't mean....?" Alec started.

"I'm afraid I do." Mayrse said. "You must marry Celestine Fray."
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