Chapter 15: Convincing Alec

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Hey guys! Hope you guys like this chapter. You know what I own and what I don't. Happy reading!
Chapter 15
Convincing Alec

Celestine stood near Simon and Clary while texting Luke. She remembered Clary saying that he cannot be trusted but she needed to know what happened. She glanced at the pair and could immediately tell that Simon was trying to convince an adamant Clary to do something. Probably leave the institute. Celestine knew that she need not worry, Clary won't leave until they have their mother.

Just then, Izzy came and walked past them and pressed a spot on the wall next to her. Celestine checked her phone to see if there was any response from Luke but seeing none, she put it away.

Izzy went to take a sword from the what Celestine thought was a sword rack when Jace came and slapped her hand away.

"No Izzy." He told her.

Celestine saw Alec coming towards them as she went to stand next to Izzy.

"Fifty bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." Izzy says.

"Hundred bucks says he has my head on a platter for being a part of this." Celestine muttered back, making Izzy giggle and Jace smirk.

"I don't approve this mission." Alec announced as soon as he was close enough. "I spoke to the Clave. They're sending Seelie scouts to search for Valentine, but they made it clear, the little girl does not leave the premises." He told, pointing towards Clary. Celestine couldn't help but notice how tired he actually looked.

"Hey, my name is not 'little girl', okay?" Clary told him. "I don't care what you or your clave thing want, I'm going to find Dot."

"Alec this warlock could have the answers we need." Jace said. "And with Valentine's people looking for her, she isn't safe outside alone, neither is Celestine, for that matter." He added.

"I agree." Izzy said.

"Et tu, Izzy?" Alec asked.

"Alec..." Celestine started.

"You couldn't have told me this earlier, could you?" Alec asked, cutting her off.

"I found out after you went to work." She replied. "You didn't want to be disturbed." She reminded.

"Unless it was really important." Alec pointed out. "I believe this counts as important. The Clave said that the girl doesn't leave the premises. And like Jace said, it isn't safe either."

"You're not going to let him talk you into anything again, are you?" Clary asked, turning towards her sister.

"He didn't talk me into anything!" Celestine replied.

"Cel, think rationally. The girl doesn't know anything. She can't fight, she hasn't trained, she doesn't even know how to hold a weapon!" Alec said. "Even if this mission is carried out and she goes along, she will be a liability. And so will her mundie." Alec pointed out. "If anything is to happen, we will spend more time trying to make sure she doesn't get herself and the mundane killed than we will making sure that the demons and Circle members do and you know it."

"Alec, if we promise to focus on killing the enemy, will you approve of this?" Jace asked him, sighing.

"Give me a blood oath that you will focus on killing the enemies instead of saving her, if it means letting her and the mundane die, let them." Alec said.

"Alec you are being unreasonable." Celestine and Izzy both said.

"I know I am. I just hope you'll realise that you are too. It's the Clave's orders and she isn't trained." He said.

"Alec, we will manage." Celestine said in a warning tone as she took a few deep breaths. "Nothing will go wrong. We all support this for a reason. We're not all fools, contrary to what you believe." Celestine said.

Alec pinched the bridge was of his nose and sighed. "Fine, then." He said, turning to Clary. "Don't think I like this, I just respect my wife's judgment and decisions. Since you have all the answers, where do you suggest we search?" Alec asked.

But the only thing Celestine got out of his words was him calling her his wife and saying that he respected her decisions and judgment like he meant it.

"You actually managed to convince him." Izzy whispered in her ear. "I honestly can't believe it."

"He was being unreasonable." She replied shrugging.

"Don't blame him for that." Jace said. "He has had an extremely tiring month so far. It's surprising he hasn't killed himself yet."

"He just tired." Izzy said. "A lot of people have a lot of expectations of him."

"He'll be himself after he gets some rest."
Yes guys, I know Alec was super unreasonable in this. But like Izzy and Jace said, he had a hectic month, don't worry, he'll start being nicer soon. Vote, comment, follow and share.

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