Chapter 14: Still Not Okay

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Chapter 14
Still Not Okay

"Of course we can." Jace said. "We just need to find the warlock who could've taken them. Did your mom know any?" He asked.

Celestine thought as hard as she could. Her mother wasn't close to many people. If she thought hard enough, she was sure she could find something.

Jace told Clary what warlocks might look like or do.

"Dot." Clary said. "Mom's assistant. "

Celestine turned to her at once.

"Yes, Dot she had this sort of purple glow around her fingers when she opened that purple entrance." Clary started.

"That's a portal." Celestine cut in.

"And only warlocks can make them." Jace told. "She was definitely a warlock."

"So if we can find the real Dot she can help us find the cup and get mom back?" Clary asked.

"Possibly." Jace shrugged. "Unless she's working for Valentine, that is."

"Even better. She'll lead us right to him." Clary said.
Celestine and Clary were both getting dressed in Izzy's room.

Celestine in her own dress and Clary in Isabelle's.

Celestine got dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"Not bad

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"Not bad. Not bad at all." Isabella said in approval.

Just then Clary walked out and straight to the mirror. She looked at her reflection as Izzy walked up to her.

"Don't you have anything a little less revealing?" She asked Izzy.

"What? All the naughty bits are covered. A little to much in my opinion." Izzy told her.

Clary looked at Celestine's outfit. "Don't you have something a little more like that?" She asked Isabelle.

"It's not mine. It's hers. She has an unlimited supply of clothes and accessories." Isabelle said. "Perks of having a private marriage."

"Where's Simon?" Clary asked.

"Who?" Isabelle questioned back. Clary's eyes widened making Izxy laugh.

"Don't worry. He's in good hands with the boys. Which also, reminds me, I should go and find out what Alec and Jace are up to." Izzy said.

"Alec's working. In the office. Doesn't want to be disturbed." Celestine told her.

Izzy gave her a look. "This is so new. Someone who knows what Alec is doing when even I don't." She said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" Celestine started.

"No." Izzy said. "It's not a bad thing. It's quite a good one, in fact." She told her. "Anyways, I still need to look for Jace. I'll see you both in a bit." She said before walking out.

Now the two sisters were left alone and you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Clary." Celestine started.

"Save it." Clary interrupted. "I really don't want to hear any explanations. I don't think that any excuse you give validates this. You should have tried to find mom, get a lead in her. Instead of getting married to the first pretty boy you saw."

"I didn't know anything. You ran away from that place without me. You left me at pandemonium. You saw mom last, not me. Hell, I didn't even know what was happening. Alec's mother told me everything she could. You knew what mom told you. You knew about Valentine. You knew that she hid something. You went through Dot's portal. Wait. Where did she send you?" Celestine asked.

"To Luke. But none of that matters. The thing is Luke's a traitor. Dot's gone. And you're no better than Luke." Clary said before she exited.

Celestine simply stood there. This wasn't like Clary. She usually took time to actually listen before she got angry. This time, she was being unreasonable.
Okay, I'll admit it. This one was kinda boring. Actually, it waste really boring. More of a filler than anything tbh. But nonetheless, do vote, comment, follow and share.

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