Chapter 11: Telling Clary

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Hey guys. The usual disclaimer, you guys know what I do own and what I don't.
Chapter 11
Telling Clary

Celestine simply watched the scene before her eyes, as Simon failed to understand what was happening around him.

And just like she had predicted, it wasn't long before Alec arrived.

"What's a mundane doing in the institute?" He asked.

"A circle member followed him to Clary and Celestine." Jace explained as if it explains Simon's presence completely.

Alec looked at Celestine. "A mundane inside the institute? Really?" He asked giving her a look that clearly said 'I want him gone.'

"Watch it." Simon said, surprising Celestine with his sudden bravery. 

"Oh and the mundane is daring." Alec said, rolling his eyes.

"That's my friend you're talking to, watch your tone with her. You don't  even know her, you've known that she exists for what, a day?" Simon said.

Celestine shut her eyes. This conversation was the exact opposite of what she hoped it would be.

"I know what tone I can speak to my wife in and what tone I can't use. She doesn't really seem to mind it, at least, not right now. I suggest you keep out of our matters." Alec told him.

Celestine sighed, waiting for it to come.

"Wife? What do you mean wife?" It was Clary who spoke this time. She turned to Celestine. "Yesterday was the first time you met him, wasn't it?" She asked her sister.

"Technically it was today morning." Celestine said.

Clary turned back to Alec. "Really? Wife? I don't know what's gotten into you, I don't know what's your problem with, it seems all three of us, but keep it light and come up with a better excuse for your tone next time." She said.

"Oh, but it wasn't a silly little excuse." Alec told her and glanced at Celestine.

Celestine sighed. "Clary, I need you to be very open minded about this, it was an arranged thing and all happened in a hurry..." She started.

"You aren't going to end this with you marrying him, are you?" Simon asked.

Celestine sighed. "Like I said, it was arranged, it was a decision made in the moment." She started explaining when she realised that her sister was yet to utter a single word. "Clary?" She asked.

"You got married." Clary said

"I told you it was..." Celestine started.

"I don't care what it was!" Clary nearly yelled. "I wasn't even out for a whole day and you married a guy you had known for hours. What's  wrong with you?" She asked.

"I have the right to make my own choices." Celestine told her. "And yo have no right to say a word against them without knowing my reasons."

"Can you imagine mom's reaction? Her daughter got married instead of looking for her." Clary said.

"And her other one decided to argue instead of looking for her." Celestine said. "It's pretty clear what she will have a better reaction to." She told Clary before turning to Alec.

"We have some work, come with me." Alec told her. Celestine nodded and followed him even though she herself wanted to go and look for her mother.
Hey guys! Sorry, haven't updated these past two days, been hectic. Hope you like it. Do vote, comment, follow and share. Thanks!

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