Chapter 9: Clary

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Chapter 9

Izzy and Jace followed the couple out and to the training room.

"Alec why are you so upset?" Izzy asked. "I get it, you don't want me putting this on mom. I won't."

"But I want to know, why did you do this?" Jace asked.

"It was the right thing to do! It is what had to be done." Alec replied, clearly irritated with something or the other.

"I' back in a few." Celestine said as she turned and walked away from the situation what she was finding extremely awkward for herself.

"I'm going to be joining you in a few minutes." Izzy called out to her.

Celestine replied telling Izzy that she will be waiting.

Celestine walked to her room as her breathing quickened. She couldn't understand anything. It may sound weird but she had developed a crush on her husband who she had only known for hours. It wasn't a crime, of course, they were married. And the feelings were mostly developed in his looks. She that guessed that he had probably done this in a sense of duty. But she had hoped that he will be willing to make it something more than just a duty. But he clearly saw it as nothing more.

Just then Izzy entered after knocking once.

"Isabelle." Celestine greeted.

"Hi!" She greeted back as she sat next to her new sister in law. "So, what are you up to?"

"Not much really. I felt like that conversation just wasn't for me. Plus, I didn't have much to do anyways." Celestine shrugged.

Izzy laughed lightly. "All conversations that take place are for you now. You're Alec's wife." She told her.

Just then Izzy got a call from Alec. She picked it up and greeted her. She groaned when she heard her brother's next words.

"Come on. Celestine. We need to train. Go and change." She told her.

Celestine did as told and then followed Izzy to the training room.

She trained with Alec who taught her the basic moves and techniques with the seraph blade.

It was near sundown when they stopped. Both of them were sweating and Celestine felt like she might just faint.

The pair went back to their room and changed into something cleaner.

Celestine decided it would be best to just get into her pyjamas. They then headed to the infirmary where they knew they'd find Jace and Izzy.

"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec said as he walked in with Celestine.

Celestine went straight to her sister and hugged her. The twins whispered in each other's ears and talked.

"She's not a mundane, Alec." Jace told him.

"How do you know that?" Alec challenge.

"Have ever seen your wife?" Jace asked. Clary and Celestine stopped and turned to the conversation.

"Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." Replied the blond.

He moved Isabella aside and took her place, introducing himself.

"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?" Alec questioned.

"You find everything unusual, Alec." His parabatai told.

"I have not reported this part to the Clave yet." He said.

"You know what? Dial it down a notch." Jace told him.

"My brother doesn't have a dial." Isabelle said. "I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on."

"I love you too, Izzy. But-" Alec was interrupted by Jace.

"Hey, you know what? Give me a minute." When Alec didn't move, Jace sighed. "Here's a word you never hear me say. Please?" He said pointing towards the door.

"What is with you?" He asked. "No really, what is with him?"

"Walk with me, big brother." Isabelle said standing up. "And Celestine...oh. You'll probably want to be with your sister." She said, her last words in a tone of disappointment.

Celestine just thought of how she would tell Clary that she had gotten married in the one day when she had been out.
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