Chapter 18: A Very Honest Conversation

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Okay, so this is for all those who love Celec and plan to stick around. I hope you all go crazy when you read this and smile a hell lot because I can already feel the smile on my face as I start writing this.
Chapter 18
A Very Honest Conversation

Without much discussion, it was decided that Clary would go first. Jace decided to be the one who goes inside with her while Izzy volunteered to look over Simon.

Alec told the others that he would go ahead and secure the perimeters. Without waiting for any remark, he walked ahead motioning of Celestine to accompany him.

They walked in comfortable silence for a minute or so, getting lost in their own thoughts before Celestine shivered a little.

"Are you feeling cold?" Alec immediately asked her.

"No..I'm fine. It's thoughts are all of over the place." She replied, chuckling.

Alec smirked. "Happens to the best of us." He replied.

"I suppose it does."

"Why did you marry me?" He asked suddenly after another minute of silence.

"Huh?" Celestine replied, shocked by the abrupt question. "Oh. Um..I don't know." She admitted sheepishly. "I suppose saying yes felt like the right thing to do when your mother asked me." She said. "I was a little overwhelmed but..yeah, I suppose."

"I get where you're coming from, I guess." He replied, scrunching up  his face as he looked up for a couple of seconds.

"Do you regret it?" Celestine asked him.

"Feel like it was rushed into? Yes. Regret it? No." He replied. "Why would you think that?"

"I..I don't know. I suppose with the way everything is...I'm just confused." She replied.

"No." He disagreed. "I made a decision and I stand by it. This is not a mistake."

Celestine didn't reply. She looked at the sky and then looked behind herself.

"What's wrong?" Alec asked her.

"I don't know." She replied before chucking softly. "I seem to be saying that a lot at the moment. It's just, things are so different. My mom, Clary, I." She laughed. "I never expected things to be like this. I couldn't have imagined this and trust me, I have a wild imagination. It's like...everything has fallen apart and I'm losing everything little by little."

"But that's how it works doesn't it?" Alec said. "Everything falls apart and then we put the pieces back together to make something new. Something that we will suit us better. And losing things little by little doesn't have to be bad. That's how we make place for the new things. When we were kids our room was filled with things we would now find pointless. And our room is right now filled with things that we will find pointless a decade later. It is difficult to get all those things out of the room, but not long after we do, it feels like the best decision." He told.

She smiled. "That actually makes sense. I didn't know you were a philosopher." She said, laughing.

"I didn't either." He replied, half smiling.

"Why do you do this?" She asked him. "Be so firm in front of everyone. Like nothing affects you and that you're...emotionless."

Alec sighed. "I was raised a shadowhunter, one of the first things I was taught was that emotions cloud judgement."

"That can't be true." Celestine said.

"But it is." Alec replied.

"Even then, it isn't necessarily always a bad thing." She argued.

"But it isn't necessarily a good one either." He pointed out.

"But then shouldn't they be teaching the difference between the positive and negative change in our judgment instead of telling us that emotions cloud judgment and that that's a bad thing?" She asked.


"Was growing up in this world difficult?" She asked.

"It was challenging. We were taught that emotions makes us weak we were taught to follow our instructions and do nothing more, nothing less." He said.

A few more minutes of talking and Celestine couldn't feel her emotions for Alec growing stronger.

"Everything has to change, doesn't it?" Celestine asked as they talked about Clary and her relationship which she was t sure would ever be the same.

"Most things do and will." Alec replied. "But remember that I will be here with you without changing and being with you through the every change."

Celestine felt tears in her eyes as they threatened to fall. She was getting way too emotional. Suddenly they heard noises.

"We should head back." Alec said softly, looking back in the direction they came from. "Come on."

Celestine followed him as she wiped a tear that had escaped. One of the many things she was sure of after that conversation was that she was in love with Alec Lightwood. And that scared her. But she knew that there wasn't much that could be done about it.
Hey guys! Hope you liked it. If you did then vote, comment, follow and share. And honestly, just go crazy in the comment section. I'll join you guys.
Anyways, second update for today and the talk went deepppp. I hope I wasn't overdoing it too much. Do let me know. Thankyou!

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