Im In Love With Your Faults

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Today Is the day, I will shift for the first my sixteen birthday. I really don't want to but my sister is excited. She really wants to find her mate. I'm not as excited about finding mine.

My brother, River though I can never tell he is always so mysterious. We all turn sixteen today, my mother only wanted a boy but she got triplets.

I never really liked being a triplet because we were always compared to one another. My own mother does it she doesn't mean to but it still hurts.

I don't want to make a big fuss so sit up slowly and tip-toe over to our bathroom. I'm careful not to wake Tasia, my sister. We share a room if I'm not quiet she will wake up.

I finally make it to the shower, I take a quick shower. I then blow dry my hair then straighten my bangs. I walk back into my room and grab a light blue nemo shirt, white skinny jeans, Black converse and my favorite light blue beanie. I grab my white hoodie. and backpack and run downstairs.

It's so quiet I look at the clock and realize it's six in the morning. No wonder no one is up, I go Into the kitchen and grab a apple then run out. I run to a lake my uncle, Alec showed me when I was younger.

It's not far from my house, I'm at the lake in ten minutes. I have always come here for peace and quiet. Only my uncle and I know about this place.

He was reluctant to show me. He got over it he said that I was like him and needed quiet and a space to think. It gets pretty loud at my house with two sisters and three brothers.

Especially the boys, River and the twins Sterling and Gabriel. They have an abnormal amount of energy. My sisters though are just loud they are both popular and talk all the time on the phone.

My little sister, Avery is six but is still more popular than me and she is in kindergarten. Tasia though is the worst she can text, talk on the phone and chew gum at the same time. My uncle understands this. He had my father as his twin, a little sister, a big sister and his big brother.

I'm daydreaming when I hear a twig snap and addicting smell fills my nose. Roses and Pine needles, I try to follow the source of the smell but it's gone. Feeling defeated I walk back to my house, I enter my house to singing.

"Happy birthday Happy Birthday to Tasia and River." My family sings.

I walk in and they don't even notice when I walk through the kitchen to my bedroom. I look at my clock it says eight in the morning. I spent a lot of time at the lake. My sister walks in and sits down at her vanity.

"Hey Talia, You missed cake. Where were you?" Tasia says while fixing her make up.

I look at her face you can tell she doesn't care. She is just trying to nice. My sister loves me but hardly pays any attention to me. When I think about it none of my siblings do except River. He is always there for me.

"Just out, what did you get for a present?" I ask.

She spins around and faces me. I can tell she is excited by the look on her face.

"I got tons of new clothes and makeup and shoes. Hmmm I love shoes."

I laugh at how silly my sister is about her girly stuff. My sister looks at me crazy then finally joins in on the laughter.

"Go find out what you got, they wouldn't tell us."

"Sure, bye Taze." I call her by her nickname she acts annoyed by it but I know she really likes it.

"Yeah, Yeah. Bye Talia."

I walk to the living room to see my parents are sitting on the couch.

"Hey mom, hey daddy." I say plopping down next to them on the couch.

"Hey sugarplum, I guess you're here for your present." My father says. I just nod.

"Why don't you follow me?" My mother says.

I nod, they get up from the couch and walk out to the garage. When we get there I finally understand. My present is my very own White Mustang!

"I love it, thank you!" I say.

I can not believe they trust me with a car.

"Well, believe it." My mother says. I guess I must have said that out loud.

"It's almost time for school. Take River and Tasia with you. I'll take the twins and Avery." My father says before they walk out leaving me with this beautiful mustang. I mind link River and Tasia to tell them what happened and to hurry up, they are very jealous but understand why I get the car. Tasia is mad because River got a motorcycle and she got clothes.

Less than a minute they both walk out ready. They both jump in Tasia in the back and River next to me.

"Leggo!" My sister yells.

"Hey can we pick up Caden?" My brother asks.

"Sure." I say back before starting the car and driving off. Before you think it I have my driving license. I pull into Caden's driveway. Caden walks out of his house and he jumps in the back.

My sister was texting when I hear her phone drop out of her hand. I look back to see her kissing Caden, gross Caden is my brothers best friend and he is like my brother. I just realize my sister has found her mate.

I couldn't be happier for her. I can tell River noticed it to but figured it out too by his smile. I hope my mate is sweet like him, we finally arrive at school. I parked the car and walked inside. I am almost to my class when I accidentally trip.

Someone grabs my hand instantly feel tingles, I look up and see the one person I wasn't expecting to be my mate.


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