Second chances

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TALIA'S P.O.V (finally)


I'm going to kill him. I'm going to castrate him then hang his balls on a freaking flag. Then I'm going to torture him until he stops.

That's right Hayes has my Nutella. That's something to not mess with ever. He is holding them over my head while running around the living room. I can't but laugh even at this serious situation.

This is the first fun I have had in a week since Tasia rejected Caden. She has been moping all week. She is heartbroken. She doesn't go to school. She is cooped in our room listening to loud songs.

She used to never listens to loud songs but I know they are to cover her sobs. I hate seeing her like this. This is not my sister. She won't come out hardly ever because she doesn't like to see Hayes and I plus River and Lilac being all lovey dovey.

That's right River can be lovey. Apparently so can Hayes. The day Tasia rejected Caden she fell asleep crying and so did I so Hayes carried us home. My parents saw this and liked him immediately they accepted him in to the family. Which ended up making her sadder. Especially the next day when Lilac was accepted too the next day. She fell into depression that night.

I finally got my Nutella back. Though thinking about Tasia makes me sad again.

I sigh and set the jar down on the table and sit down. Hayes walks over and sits next to me taking my hand in his. He rubs his thumbs over my hand in a comforting way. It slightly works but I'm still upset about it. We need to cheer her up. I need reinforcements so I call her best friends. They all agree to help. They are wolves too so they know what it she is going through.

Five of her friends are coming. Jenny and Penny the twins and Susie arrive first. Lux and Jade arrive late. We all agree to take her to a new nightclub. We all have our jobs.

Jenna and Lux are I'm charge of clothes. Penny and I are in charge of getting Tasia out of bed. Jade and Susie are getting us on the list too get in. It takes a lot to get Tasia plus her friends, Hayes, River and Lilac are to get us to the most popular nightclub.






They finally got me out of bed. Well more like drag me. Nevertheless they got me out and I'm actually having fun. We arrived about an hour ago and I'm a little tipsy. I'm not drunk just a little extra hyper than usual. Right now I'm dancing on top of a table with Jenny and Penny.

I'm tired of dancing so I get down and go to the bar. I see I see Susie talking to Talia. I decide to go talk to them. I almost reach them when I smell amazing a breathtaking smell. I follow the smell it leads to the kitchen.

I should have known it wasn't...... Never mind. I turn around I bump into a hard chest. I'm about to hit the ground but I never feel it. I look up to be meet with electrifying hazel eyes. I look at his face and he looks kind. He smiles and shows his left dimple. I smile I can feel a blush on my face. He lets me go.

"I'm Grayson. What's your name?"

"Tasia. Wanna dance?"


We ended up hanging out all night. We skipped dancing after a couple songs. We just talked all night. I learned that his full name is Grayson Henry Coleman. He is human and just moved here from Washington. He has two older brothers and a baby sister. He loves English and music. Most importantly his hair is naturally brown and perfect.

The night is almost over so we decided to part ways. But not before getting his number so We can hang out later.

Grayson leaves and my friends and I meet up by the door to go home.

We finally reach home. I start to get ready to go to sleep when I get a text from an unknown number.

"Want to hang out tomorrow?"


"Of course. Ill text you tomorrow."


I smile no guy has ever been this sweet except when they want to get in my pants. It's never happened before I've always wanted to save myself for my mate. I guess that's not possible now. I can feel tears running down my cheeks. I frantically wipe them from my face. Eliminating all evidence.

My phone buzzes meaning a new text came in.

"Great. Sweet dreams, Angel."

I smile knowing he meant what he said. I fall asleep dreaming of my second chance. This one I won't let go.


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