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He has a daughter! With another woman! A involuntary growl slips from my lips. Hayden grabs my chin and looks at me concerned.

"Taze, Are you okay?"

"It's just so much to think about, Hayden."

"Are you rejecting me?" Hayden says with tears welling up in his eyes.

How does he think I could ever do that? I could never do that. I know I did it to Caden but Hayden is different.

"No. I will NEVER reject you. Truth be told I had another mate before you. I never mated with him though. Or anyone for that matter." I say while rubbing his hand.

"Good." He said looking relieved.

"Can I meet her?" I ask.

"Of course. You looked tired though. How about tomorrow? He asks while standing up.

I now just notice the time. Wow we talked a long time. It's almost midnight.

"Let's go to my house." I say.

He nods and grabs my hand we jump in his then drive to my house.


At my house


"WHERE WERE YOU?!" My father yells the second we walk on.

"Nice to see you too, Father." I say back sarcastically.

"Tasia. Do not speak to your father like that!"

"Father? Your dad is an alpha?" My mate squeaks bowing down.

I burst out laughing I grab his hand and pull him up. I guess I underestimated my strength and he jumped in the air three feet. He fell on the ground and just layed there stunned.

"Baby. Are you okay?" I say bending down. I'm sure I look very scared and concerned.

What if he is hurt? It would be my fault. I couldn't live with myself.

"I'm fine, Love." He says standing up.

"Daddy this is my mate Hayden." I address my father.

"What about Caden, I thought he was your mate?"

Hayden growls lowly and pulls me to him. He nuzzles his face in my neck. Breathing in my scent. I giggle it just tickles.

"MINE! Tasia is MY MATE!" Hayden yells. Not necessarily at my father more to reassure himself.

"Yes Father and Hayden. I am Hayden's mate. Caden does not matter to me." I address them both.

"Now I'm tired father and I know Hayden is too. So we are going to sleep. Love you." I say I grab Hayden's hand as fast as possible and drag him up the stairs.

"My sister Talia shares a room with me. So no funny business, Mister." I accuse him while pointing my finger.

He just sticks his tongue out sucks on my finger. I pull back and push him a little back laughing.

"Gross! Haydennnnnnn." I drag out his name in a disgusted manner.

He just chuckles then pulls his shirt and shoes. He jumps in my bed and sprawls out. I watch his muscles flex as he moves. It turns me on I snap out of it when I hear my sister snoring next to me. I go into my closet put on a a shirt and shorts. I then proceed to do everything else.

I jump in bed next to a already sleeping Hayden. He pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around me.

I never slept better. God What does he do to me.


Sorry it's so much in Tasia's p.o.v. Next chappy in Talia's. Love ya.


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