Catch Up

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The triplets finished school and are in college at Washington University. The triplets are all fully mated. Talia has a baby and a baby on the way. Tasia has one on the way soon. Lilac (Rivers mate) learned that she can not have kids. River and Lilac adopted a week a old baby a year ago. Talia and Hayes are married. Forest has not been heard of in years. The triplets are twenty one now.


THIS IS NOT THE END. I just have a lot that I need them to be older and have kids. I'm sorry I skipped so much in their lives. BUT now you get to see them grow up with their kids. Don't hate me. You WILL like this. I promise and I won't forget FLASHBACKS. Who does? Should I keep with this course or should I fill in the gap with the five years? Tell me what you think?

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