The Day

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A woke up in a warm sweat and breathing down my neck. The fan is blowing hard and.........My bed is wet? Why is my bed wet? I look down to see before I do.

A burning sensation explodes down my lower region. I yell out in pain. Hayes jumps out of bed in full protective mode and starts swinging sleepy. I sigh loudly and wait. I'm still waiting when another wave of pain sets in.


Hayes's head snaps and connects his big eyes with mine. He gasps at my state then looks down.

"Too soon. Not for a couple weeks. Why, now? My baby is having a baby at four in the morning." He mutters to himself while sighing and shaking his head.

He walks over to our new closet, in our new house and started packing. A couple years ago I finally I moved out of my lonely old room. By lonely I mean I seriously ALONE!! Tasia left me the second Hayden proposed.

She said something about needing spend sometime alone with her mate. Basically meaning I need sometime to have unprotected sex without worrying about you being in the room. Stupid horny teenager twin sisters. Not that I can say much. I do have to two kids. Well I have one and one on the way, actually right NOW.

"Baby I'm starting the car. Come outside." He mindlinks me through our own personal link. I didn't even notice him leaving our house. I was to busy thinking of my perverted sister.

(SEVERAL HOURS LATER. Plus the ride to the hospital. Don't forget the labor of the baby.)

"Almost done. One more to go." The doctor said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean one more to go?" Hayes asking the doctor.

"I mean your having twins. Didn't you know that?"

No Sherlock fudging holmes I didn't!!!

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