Five kids?

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"He has to die." My dad commands the pack.

"He will get what he deserves." My mother reassured him while rubbing his arm gently soothing his angry wolf.

"I'm going to tear him limb from limb." River howls.

"When I find him he is going to wish he was never born." Hayes growls and stalks to me forcefully calming him and his wolf.

"Oh, Shit!" River shouts.

"Momma bears coming out." Hayden gently say backing away.

"Don't cuss there is children present." Lilac disappointingly speaks to River.

"Mommy, uncle River custered" Three year old, Natalie whispered pulling on her mom's jacket.

"Yes, Natty uncle River did cuss and uncle River is going to not like what mommy is going to do to him later for cussing." Tasia looked at her daughter and said.

"But, but, but uncle River didn't mean to Custer. You wouldn't hurt your brother, right." River stuttered scared of his sister.

"Wrong." Tasia growled.

"We need to get Brayden back, pronto." Hayes firmly spoke to the crowd.

"Brayden?" A young boy says.

"Don't speak his name like he is here." I cried.

"But he is." The boy, Miles I believed said.

"Didn't you just hear he was kidnapped by Forest?" Lilac angrily bellows.

"Mommy?" A muffled voice calls out to the sea of bodies.

"I hear Brayden!" Talia yells.

"I didn't hear anything." A random warrior says.

And in all the chaos and screaming one voice was heard through all.

"I gave him back." Forest whispered, hoping no one heard him but unlucky for him everyone did.

"Why?" Hayes growled and grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to us.

"I knew that this would be the only way for you to listen to me because I need your help." Forest whimpers.

"Why would we help you?" I asked.

"Just hear me out, okay?" He pleaded.


"When I was twelve I was raped weekly by my baby sitter until I was fourteen , I never thought about it again wanting to block out the memory. It worked until I was eighteen and I was given my two daughters."

"You birthed two children?"

"Yes, I did. Kaylie and Simon, Kaylie is now fifteen and Simon is sixteen. My wolf and I can't live without Lana anymore. I wish to be killed but I don't know what to do with them. I'm all they have, could you please take care of them."

"If this what you truly want, I accept." Talia pitied, she never will know what it's like to have her mate die.

"Thank you, Hayes will you grant me one last wish?"

"What?" Hayes growls, not liking where this is going.

"Finish what you started five years ago, end me please." Forest pleads, kneeling In front of him.

"I will grant you this."

Hayes shifted and grabbed Forest between his teeth and ran out the door. I'm thankful he didn't do it In front of the children. Not a minute later Hayes came back in still in his wolf form covered in blood.

I ran to get him some clothes and a towel. I gave them to him, he shifted and wiped himself off then put the clothes on.

"Where's my dad?" A voice calls out from the front door.

I look to see two girls, who I'm guessing to be Simon and Kaylie.

"Did you kill him already?" The older brunette girl whimpers and asks sad.

I nodded slowly and said
"This is the way he wanted, who are we to not give him his last wish?"

"So, he really is dead?" Simon, I'm guessing asks.

"Yes, he is" Lilac uttered sadly.

"Simon, what are we going to do?" Kayla asks her sister, tears forming in their once bright blue eyes.

"I don't know." Simon responds back.

"Simon, Kaylie your father's dying wish was someone to look after you." I spoke.

"I doubt anyone will want to adopt us." Kaylie whimpers, tears now pouring down her face while Simon tries to stop them from falling.

"That's not true, I want you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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