Chapter 6

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Bendy's POV:
After Sammy left, I walked back to the giant hole that I fell through. I climbed back up as ink bendy and patched up the hole in case Henry came again.

After wandering around the sillyvision studios, I went to the ink machine and tried to turn it on. I keep forgetting that the ink machine required certain items. And of course Henry used all of them.

I cursed Henry under my breath and wandered some more. I decided to go visit Boris. But by the time I got there, I saw something that couldn't be true.

Boris's body wasn't on the stand anymore. The only thing I saw was a note. I took the note and read it.

The note said: Hey devil, thought I was gone huh? Well here's news for you, the ink machine actually revived Boris, thanks to some techniques. So he's on my side and we're running from you. Good luck finding us. - Henry.

Wow, Boris is alive now? I can't believe it. How did Henry do it? Thus ink machine that's currently standing can only bring animations to life, not revive them from the dead.

I quickly ran back to the exit and fell down the hole. Since I was in a hurry I wasn't looking where I was going. I forgot to land on my feet and ended up landing on my nuts. My eyes shrunk to very tiny size and I grabbed my nuts in pain. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to do that again. I was in so much pain, but I had to shrug it off and ran towards the entrance of Joey Drew's Studios.

'So the chase is on now' I thought as I reached the entrance. But before I could touch the knob. I heard 2 screams coming from the place where the hole was located.

I decided to investigate and when I got there, I couldn't believe what I saw.

It was a......
A/N: Sorry for the really long wait. Had to wait until I was on winter break to continue this. This way I have plenty of free time. Long story short: I can now update all my stories more frequently. Enjoy any future chapters. And as always I will see you in the next chapter, Bug-Bye!

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