The Story of the Legend Chapter 15

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"Ja Kyung?" Amari thought as she stared at the two of them.

"What are you doing here?" Su Hyun asked her in an annoyed tone.

"I was on my way home, and then I saw you here." She explained as she grabbed his hands, making him push her hands away.

"I haven't heard from you in over a month. I was starting to miss you and our intimate times together". She said, making Amari's face flush.

"She's the one he's been sleeping with?" Amari thought, looking at her. "She's very beautiful."

"You have known from the start that our relationship was strictly sexual. It was nothing more".

"I know. I haven't forgotten". She told him.

"Well, I am seeing someone else, so our sexual relationship is over." He said.

Ja Kyung frowned as she looked at Amari from head to toe.

"Her?" She asked, pointing at her, before chuckling.

Amari placed her hands on her hips as she looked at Ja Kyung. "Excuse me? I have a name, and it's Amari." She said.

"So, you're interested in foreign women now?" She asked him.

"I was born here," Amari told her, making Ja Kyung scoff at her.

"I wasn't talking to you, so butt out." She told her.

Amari was about to retort back as she stomped towards her, but Su Hyun stood in front of her, holding her back.

"You are such a wild animal. Do you like those types of women? Her kind?"

"My kind?" Amari repeated her.

"Amari, control your anger. You don't want to expose your strength". Su Hyun whispered in her ear. "It won't help you to beat her up."

"I would like to see her try." Ja Kyung said baiting her.

Amari inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. Su Hyun was right. It wouldn't help her to beat her ass. She could charge her for assault and Amari didn't want to start having a criminal record.

"Yeah, this piece of trash isn't worth my time." She spat at the ground.

Ja Kyung rolled her eyes and crossed her arms against her chest. Su Hyun frowned at her.

"Look, say what you want about me, but do not disrespect Amari like that. From the start, you have known that we only had a sexual, casual relationship, free to date whoever we wanted to. If we wanted to date someone else monogamously, our relationship would end. I told you that. Amari and I are not to be blamed for whatever you believed our relationship was instead of what it actually was".

Ja Kyung frowned back at Su Hyun.

"She thought her genitals was so good that it would coerce you into strictly being with her and no one else. Reality must suck for her". Amari pointed out, shrugging.

Ja Kyung glared at Amari. "This isn't over." She said, before walking, more like stomping past them.

Su Hyun let out a huge sigh, before rubbing his temples. "If I knew she was going to be this much of a pain then I would have never slept with her."

"Gotta watch who you lay with," Amari said, shrugging again. "So, what was that about us "seeing" one another?" Amari asked, grinning.

"I just said that to get her off my back."

"It didn't work obviously." Amari pointed out.

"Do you think I have a shot?" Su Hyun asked her.

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