chapter 8

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Phabien's POV
We are now headed to the cafe, I could tell Twinkle is excited.
We arrived at the cafe. We sat outside because I don't want Twinkle messing things inside the cafe.

"Well Twinkle, we're here now!!" I said happily. "Meoww meowww!!!" Said Twinkle as she jumped happily like a dog. "Hehe alright, Twinkle you stay here and I'll get us some drinks okay?" I said while tying her leash by the chair. "Meow meow." Said Twinkle as if she agreed. "Hehe okayy, be right backk." I said as I entered the cafe. "Meow." Said Twinkle.
(In the cafe)
"Oh, hello sr. Phabien, welcome back, what cab I get for you?" Said Marie. "Oh, hey Marie, I'll just get a mocha frappucinno and some warm milk." I said. "Okay, I'll just serve it to you. Um where do you sit?" Asked Marie. "Oh, outside, by the cat." I said while smiling. "Awww that's such a cute cat, is she your's?" Asked Marie as she admired the cat. "Yeah, her name's Twinkle." I said. "Ohh hahaha, ok thank you sr. Phabien." Said Marie. "Yeah, thanks." I said as I walked away. (Outside the cafe)

Twinkle's POV
"Well Twinkle we're here now!!" Said Phabien. "Meoww meoww." I said. "I'm really excited that I get to go out with Phabien since Diane's not home, oh how I wish that Diane is here with us but she's busy haha." I thought. "I'll just get us some drinks okay?" Said Phabien as he opened the door. "Meow meow." I said. "Mhm, the cafe smells like coffee and sweets!" I thought. As Phabien entered the cafe to order our drinks, I saw a lot of people coming in and out of the cafe, some are staring at me and petting me, oh how I loved it and Phabien came back. "Meoww meoww." I said. "Well Twinkle we have to wait for our drinks so why don't I teach you some tricks" Said Phabien as he held out a bag of treats. "Meow meow meow!!" I said. "Wohoo tricks and treats, I'm so excited." I thought. "All right, let's start with a simple one. Sit!" Said Phabien as he taught me how to sit. I followed Phabien's actions and I did it correctly. "Yayy good Twinkle." Said Phabien as he patted my head and gave me a treat. "Meow meoww!!" I said happily until our drinks came out.
"Um mocha frappucinno for sr. Phabien and warm milk for Twinkle" said Marie as she patted my head. "Thank you Marie." Said Phabien. Marie smiled then walked away. " Here you go Twinkle, some warm milk for you, hope you like it!" Said Phabien
(A few tricks later)
"Phabyyyy!!!!!!" Said someone from far away. "Meowoww." I said as I annoyingly covered my ears from the high pitched sound. "Oh no!" Said Phabien as he saw a girl running towards him.

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