chapter 13

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Diane's POV
"Wow!! This place is huge!!" Said Phabien as he scanned the whole cafe. "Yeah! I was just scrolling down on facebook until I saw my friend Aileen, go there with his boyfriend. And so I thought, why not give it a try." I said. "Meow meow." Said Twinkle as she scratched the door. "All right Twinkle, before we go in, we should take off our shoes first so the other cats won't play with it. Okay?" I asked. "Meow!" Said Twinkle as she nodded. "Okay, now let's go inside!!!" I said as I opened the door. "Meow meow meow!!" Said Twinkle as she ran inside to meet some other cats. "Awww so cute, and she already met new friends." I said as I saw Phabien petting a cat. "Oh, good thing I brought my camera." I muttered to myself as I sneakily captured a photo of Phabien playing with a cat. "Andd, (flash). There we go." I said as I played with the other kittens. "now, where should we sit." I asked myself. "Miss, since we are almos out of seats, would you mind of sitting up there?" Asked a waiter. "Oh, not at all, thank you." I said as I climbed up like a cat. "Now what would you like to order?" Asked the waiter. "Oh um, I'll get two pink lemonade's and two plates of carbonara." I said as I scanned the menu once again and gave it to the waiter. "Very well miss, your order will be here shortly, just play with our cats as you wait. Thank you and welcome to the cat cafe." Said the waiter as he smiled and climbed back down. "Wow! What service, this place is going on my come back list." I thought

Phabien's POV
"Ouch, he-hey, that hurt you know!" I said at the cat that was playing with me. "Meowww." Said the cat. "All right imma go take a break." I said as I searched around for Diane. "Diane?!, Where are you?" I asked, listening for an answer. "Up here Phabien haha, can you climb?" Asked Diane as she giggled. "Ye-yeah, I'm coming." I said as I nervously looked at a slighty steep set of stairs that has a net on top of it. "Awww don't you look cute and you have a little friend climbing with you." Said Diane as I saw a cat climbing with me. "Awww hi." I said as I started climbing slowly. "Wait Phabien! Stay right there and don't move." Said Diane, completely shocked, I followed her orders. "Umm why did you make me stop?" I asked. "To capture this perfect moment climbing with a cat." Said Diane as I heard the camera flash. "Seriously?" I said as I facepalmed. "Yep, that' why I love you. Now you can come up now." I said as I motioned him to come up. "Coming!" I said as I took the last step and sat in front of her.

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