chapter 11

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Diane's POV
"All right! Let's start now!!" Said Phabien proudly. "Meoww!!" Said Twinkle as she immediately woke up from her sleep and jumped on the coffee table and waited for Phabien' command. "Now sit!" Said Phabien as he threw a treat in the air. "Meow!" Said Twinkle as she sat and opened her mouth to catch the treat. "Good girl!!" Said Phabien as he patted Twinkle's head. "Woww!!! That's awesome. I can't believe that it's only been one day and Twinkle already mastered a trick!!" I said as I looked at both of them. "Oh but that's not all." Said Phabien as he layed a treat on the other side of the table. I could see Twinkle controlling herself not to eat the treat. "Now Twinkle, play dead!" Said Phabien as Twinkle ate the treat and acting as if the treat was poisonous and dying. "Oh my goshh!!! So awesomee!!!" I shouted excitedly with stars in my eyes. "Meoww meoww!!" Said Twinkle as she came to me and purred on my lap. "Awwww, I love you too." I said as I hugged her.  "And you." I said as I pointed at Phabien. "What?" Asked Phabien confusedly. "You did a great job as well!!, I love you both!" I said while hugging the both of them. "Hehe, I love you too Diane." Said Phabien while kissing my cheek. "Well I think it's getting late and we all should get some rest, don't you think?" I asked as I stared at Twinkle for a response. "Meow meow!" Said Twinkle. "Awww you're so smart, oh yes you are." I said childishly while Phabien just laughed. "yeah, so sleep well now because I'm going to give you a suprise tommorrow!!" I said suspiciously. "Meow?" Said Twinkle as she tilted her head. "Hush now it's a secret, you will know it tomorrow, now goodnight my little Twinkle star." I said while Phabien and I went up the stairs to our room. "Meow meow!" Said Twinkle.
"What's the suprise tomorrow?" Asked Phabien. "It's a secret too for you haha." I said. "Awww come on, you can tell me." Said Phabien as he tickled me on the bed. "He-heyy that tickless." I said while laughing and lightly spanking Phabien's hands to stop tickling me. "Tell me or I'm not stopping." Said Phabien. "Nope, it's a suprise." I said while laughing. "Oh all right I give up, I guess I just have to know it all tomorrow." Said Phabien as he layed down next to me. "Yeah, tomorrow." I said as I stared into Phabien's eyes. "Good night Diane, I love you." Said Phabien. "Good night Phabien, I love you to and will always." I said

Heyy gussss, san kya pnta cla Diane bkass, anu kya balak nyaa, figure it out on the next chapter
Thx for the support lab u all😘😘

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