Chapter 3

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Aria squeals in my ear.

"Oh my goodness! Firess, I thought I'd never see you again!"

I smile big as I see her bright face, but it fades away as I see the boy. I step back away from him.

"Oh, this is Cole." I nod my head and he nods his, never taking his eyes off me. I ask Aria how she met him, still staring at him, never taking my eyes off him either.

"Well," He starts to say, shushing Aria. "I found her at school, crying in a corner. I went there to get medical supplies, my mom....." He looks down at his feet, but comes back up quickly.

"Well, we better get going." I say, grabbing my backpack from the tree. Cole touches my shoulder and grips it a little to hard. I shiver it off, his arm slumping back to his side. I stare at him, then look at Aria.

"We're leaving, now."


Cole walks up next to me.

"What's your name again?" he asks me. I ignore him and just keep walking. "Oh did you not hear me?" I grip my crowbar tight in my right hand, not looking at him. "What's your name again?" He asks once more. I look up at him. I see a zombie coming, I should let it get him, but I'm a nice person. I push him out of the way and swing my crowbar against the side if the 'dead' man's head.

He smirks as he feels his heart race.

"Thought you were gonna kill me!" his voice nervous. I just look at him, then say

"Yea, I should've..."

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