Chapter 8

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I lay there on the ground, staring up at Austin. His blood drips from his shoulder onto the concrete next to me. I watch the blood as it hits the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

He hunches over and grabs his shoulder. He starts to whine. I pat him on the back to try to cease his crying. He looks up at me.

"I.... I" I see him thinking about what he was going to say.

"I... what?" I asked. He is still looking at me when a red light flashes and an alarm goes off. I quickly cover my ears, an instinct from school when we had a fire drill. His eyes big, he grabs my arm and pulls me out the door.

People are scattered on the ground with blood on their bodies and flesh missing. I hold my breath as I hear them hobbling towards us. I slowly turn around and see the hoard of zombies rushing towards us for more dinner. I hoist Austin up onto my shoulders and drag him along the wall.

I jump as I hear banging on one of the doors. I turn to my left to see Aria an two other girls banging on a door. I look at Austin and reach to his belt for the keys. I quickly snatch them and run to the door. My fingers shake as I push the key into the lock.

I smell Aria's hair as she hugs me tightly then backs away as she sees Austin. I stand in front of him.

"It's okay, it's okay." She stares right past me at his shoulder then glances down to his hand, at his gun. She lunges for it, but I hold her back.

"He's a good guy!" I yell. I turn around and grab his gun. I turn the safety off and turn around, hold the sights and start shooting.

"Go!" I yell at them. Aria grabs my arm and we start heading towards the exit. I let all the hope drain from my body. I stare at them. Bloodied bodies, faces pale and cracked. I grab Aria and Austin's hands and drag them back, only to see another hoard. I look to my right and find a closed door, I twist the knob.

"Crap! locked" I say to myself.

I look to the other side of the hall. I run for the door, twist the handle, click. I jump in victory as the door opens. Everyone dashes into the room. I slam the door shut and let out a relived sigh.

I'm startled when a scruffy voice says,

"Hey pretty lady." I turn around to see a guy sitting on the ground, blood on his hands. He winks at me and I wince.

"Hey, leave her alone." Austin says to him.

"I can do what I want." The guy says. He stands up and Austin pushes him back to the ground.

"Hey!" The guy stands up and shoves Austin back. The guy goes in for a punch, but is to drunk and misses. Austin grabs his hand and squeezes as hard as he can, but I see the pain in his eyes as he uses his other hand to hold his shoulder.

I push them away from each other with a forceful push.

"Hey! Come on! we're trying to live here!" I yell in their faces. They wince and I throw them onto the ground.

"Gosh." I shake my head.

"What's your name anyways?" He looks at me with squinted eyes and a freckled face.


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