Chapter 19

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When it happened


I jumped up as I heard the screams from the hallway reach my ears.

"Mom?" I say, calling to my mother. My eyes widen as I see my mothers flesh being engulfed by the monster, my father.

"Dad!" I push him off I her, but now he's coming at me. I run into my bedroom and slam the door shut, shaking the walls.

"What do I do?" I say to myself. I look around my room. There's no windows in here because my mom and dad thought I might sneak out. Boy, they were wrong for doing that.

I feel the pounding at my back. I see my phone and take a chance and each for it. Once it is safe in my hands, I call Jason. No answer, then Aria, no answer, then the police, no answer. This must be really bad then.

I close my eyes and slide my back down the door. I curl up into a ball and cry. I have to do something. I man up for once and remember the gun I kept in my closet in case anybody came into the house. I rip open the box it was in and yank it out of the plastic.

I thought I would never use this as long as I lived. I was wrong.

I close my eyes as I grip it in my hands.

"You can do it, just pull the trigger...."

But it was my mom and dad! I don't know what was encouraging me to, kill, or help or whatever them. I pull the door open and my monster dad falls on me. I scream and yell as he grabs my arm and brings it close to his mouth.

I kick him away from me as hard as I can. He starts crawling towards me again. I aim and it's over. I let out a breath, then remember my mother.

I start crying as I see her arm bleeding like crazy and her neck almost gone. I kneel down and kiss her head.

"Momma, I love you." I say to her corpse. I take the gun and aim again, bit before I can pull the trigger, her eyes shoot open, blood shot and fierce. She let's out a groan and reaches her hands towards me. I pull the trigger, but miss. She grabs my arm and squeezes it so hard I drop the gun.

The pain is killing me. I use my barefoot and kick her in the face. I crawl to the gun and grab it, I turn back around, but she falls onto me as I hear a gunshot. All I see is a boy about my age.

I yell out to him, but he ignores me. I jump up with my gun and watch him place the barrel if his gun to the monster's heads and pull the trigger. It doesn't even bother him.

I then realize, I just killed my family. My only family. My mom and dad. I killed them, and I'm not crying.

From then on, I told myself to be strong. To take care of others.

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