Chapter 26

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 hello everyone i hope you're having a good day


[Kellin's POV]

"It's so good to see you Kells." Matty said, and getting a few grunts of agreement from the boys.

We were currently sitting in Justin's basement, just hanging around and catching up with each other. When I arrived the guys were already here, surprising me with a welcome home party, I'm eating some of the cake Gabe cooked now. He's always liked to bake, and he was good at it too.

"It's good to see you guys too, you wouldn't believe how much I missed you jackasses." I joked.

"Hey!" Jack spoke up, pretending to be offended.

"Boys, the pizza is here." Justin's mom came in and alerted us. We all hopped up off our seats and rushed up the stairs, taking a little longer than needed since everyone decided to go at the same time. We would eat downstairs, but we're not allowed to eat greasy foods down there anymore after we ruined their sofa with chicken wing grease.

I was the last one up the stairs, like normal, with Vic right in front me. I hadn't really talked to Vic that much since we got here, I've been busy with catching up with all the boys. I hope he's not mad at me and understands that I have a lot of people to focus my attention on. He didn't seem mad or upset, which is good, but you never really know with Vic.

He seemed to be getting along with everyone as well, which was a surprise for me. When Vic meets knew people he tends to act cold and distant a lot, but he's doing really well with being friendly with everyone, and I appreciated that. He and Jesse hit it off the most though, which made me even more thrilled.

We were at the top of the stairs now and he reached for my arm to hold my hand, but I pulled away because of being around the boys. They all expect me for my sexuality, but some of them like Jack and Gabe get creeped out with the PDA so I don't like to do that in front of them.

Vic gave me this look, it was a cross between offended and angry. I gave him an apologetic look in return, spinning around and walking away from out silent conversation.

I instantly regretted it though, I regretted everything that happened just now, me pulling away and then walking away, I was being a douche and Vic had every right to be mad right now.

Preventing an argument I'm sure would've happened later, I went up to him and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips when no one was looking. I pulled away and Vic gave a less than impressed look, crossing his arms.

Okay, now I was irritated. I try to apologize and he blows me off like that? I didn't even bother saying sorry like I planning to, I just walked off to sit down next to Jesse, leaving Vic to fend for himself. But at the moment I didn't care, he was being childish.

I didn't let the whole situation bother me that much, instead I decided to focus on the guys and their stories, while eating Jesse's crust. I don't eat pizza, and Jess knows that, so he just gives me his crust if I'll eat it since he doesn't like it. It was a pretty good system we had going, I have to admit, but after the third crust, I stopped. Too much carbs.

I looked over to Vic to see how he was doing, and he seemed fine. He's really good at putting on an act when he's upset, and if I didn't know him as well as I did I wouldn't have caught the little glimmer if annoyance in his eyes.

I made a mental note to talk about this later with him, wanting to know why it made him so upset. I mean I get what I did was a little rude, but he's blowing this way out of proportion. Plus, I even apologized.

"So Kell, how long have you and loverboy over there been dating?" Justin asked, taking me off guard because I didn't really think he cared about my relationship since it was with a guy.

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