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Danny was tired. He had gotten only a total of eight hours of sleep... in the past two weeks. His last real meal was three days ago. And he was in detention yet again. To make matters even worse, Mr. Lancer had called the Fentons.

So here he was. Stuck in detention with the A-List, who got caught bullying innocents for once, Valerie, Sam and Tucker, and with the Fentons and Mr. Lancer yelli... sorry, I mean lecturing him about the importance of school and responsibility and other stuff. Me, I wanted to yell right back at them for lecturing us about responsibility when they are rarely out of the mess they call a lab; Danny, however, would just mentally laugh at my choice of words while he just took the lectures.

"Really Danny, it's like you're not even paying attention to what we're telling you." Maddie screeched.

(Why should we pay attention to what you say when Spectra listens more to us more then you do? In fact, Spectra would most likely make a better mother than you.) I yelled, unheard by the everyone but Danny.

(Please calm down, Frato*.) Danny tried to calm me. (Who cares what Maddie and Jack think?)

"Why can't you be as responsible as Jazz? She would never had down this." Jack bellowed with Maddie and Mr. Lancer nodding in agreement.

My anger flared. (Okay, that's it. Let me out Frato so I can teach these bastards who their messing with.)

(At least you're on my side.) Danny thought with a bit of a chuckle... that was sadly out loud.

"Do you think this is funny young man?" Maddie questioned.

I could hear the A-Listers snickering at MY Danny's humiliation.

"Really, Danny," Maddie started sadly. Our ghost sense decided that right now was a great time to go off. "Sometimes I wish I knew what was going on inside that head of yours."

"So you have wished it, so it shall be."

Then everything went dark.


I found myself in a fog. Sleeping soundly beside me were Sam, Tucker, Valerie, Dash, Kwan, Star, Paulina, the Fentons, and Mr. Lancer... No Danny in sight, which made sense considering where we were.

The others began to stir, so I moved quickly. Concentrating, I focused on pushing the cold down. I looked to my hands to see the white gloves turning into pale skin. Smiling, I summoned a mirror of ice. My hair was now pitch black. My clothes became like Danny's, but with black jeans, the red circle was now black, and the sneakers became black and white as well. The only thing that stayed the same were my emerald green eyes. (Eh, I bet I could explain it away.) Done with my change, I smirked and stepped within the fog.

"argh! What happened?" Sam was the first to wake.

"Aesop's Fables people, where are we?" And there goes Mr. Lancer.

And with that, everyone else woke up.

I have to admit, I was enjoying the panic they were causing. Truly, it's not everyday that I see the people who make Danny's life Hell acting like brainless chickens... Oh wait, that's insultive of chickens.

"Where's Danny? Has anyone seen my baby?" Maddie screeched, cutting off my fun.

"So now you're worried." I muttered darkly.

Sadly, they heard.

"WHO'S THERE?" "GHOST!!" The Fentons shouted at the same time.

I gave a dark chuckle as I floated out of the fog, a smirk set clearly on face. "So you can hear me in here, how interesting. I knew it was possibly considering where you are, but I wasn't too sure since the Universe just loves messing with us." I stated to the groups confusion... Well, the group minus Sam and Tucker who seemed to be wondering if it was a good or bad thing that I was there.

"So, Daniel, does this mean that you know where we are?" Mr. Lancer questioned.

I pretended like I didn't hear him.

"Danny!" Maddie screeched. "When someone asks you something you answer them." She lectured me.

Mock surprise sketched itself on my face. "Oh, you were talking to me? Sorry, I thought who were talking to someone else seeing as my name isn't 'Daniel'. Common mistake." Sam and Tucker smothered their snickers. "But since you were not aware of this fact I shall answer your question.

"To explain who I am I must first explain where you are. You see, this is Danny's mind."

"WHAT!?!?" Everyone yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "When Maddie said that she wished to know what was going on in Danny's head the wishing ghost, Desiree, overheard and granted your wish. Thus, you have been cast into oir mind. Any questions so far?"

Dash growled "Yeah, how the hell do we get out of here?"

I chuckled. "Why by following me and doing as I direct. I shall be your guide. Do as I say and you will be lead home... well, if you can survive our mind that is. Breaking any of my rules will result in a punishment that I deem fit.

"The chance of us running into a Guardian Chara {did ya get the joke} of a memory is very high. So I will say this: Ever emotion is at it's extreme, and you will feel everything that Danny felt when within his memories. It is very possible for any one of you to die in here. My job will be to get you out of here alive, even if I want some of you to drop dead."

The whole group gulped at my words as the reality of the situation sunk in.

"I am Danny's innerself, you may call me Spektro*."

Frato = Brother
Spektro = Phantom

Don't worry, I'll continue my other tales. I just been reading fanfics about Danny's class going into his mind and got an idea that I really wanted to run with.

Tell me what you think.


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