Chapter 7

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Same WARNINGS as last time and the time before. You have been warned, don't come crying to me.


"I'm gonna be completely honest here; I am totally bummed out that I lost our bet."


"What?!" Valerie finally managed to chock out.

Sam rolled her eyes while Tucker face palmed.

"He and Danny had a bet on what it would take for you to realize that the two are connected." Sam explained.

"And I, apparently, put too much faith on your mental abilities. Oh, how could you fail me, Li'l Red?" I mocking said.

Sam and Tuck found it funny, Val... eh, not so much.

"I-I don't understand."

"Oh Li'l Red, of course you don't. The only humans that do are the these two, Jazz, and now you... Well, sorta you, I still need to explain what's going on."

Valerie glared, "Yeah you do."

"Okay, first off, I did nothing to Danny, Danny did something to me... sorta."

"Explain!!!!" the African-American teen growled.

I sighed, "I wouldn't exist with out Danny... and he would be dead with out me." Li'l Red's eyes widened before they went right back to glaring. "Before I began, Danny was fourteen when his parents built a str..."

"WAIT!!!" Tucker interrupted. "I have the perfect way to explain this."

Sam groaned, "No~ you are not doing what I think you're gonna do."

Tucker just grinned.

"Fine." the goth snapped. "Don't blame me if things go south."

Tucker turned to me. "Go ahead and have your fun, if she gets confused then I'll just explain it better."

"Yes!" Tucker took out his PDA and did some tapping... then the music started.

"He's a Phantom

Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom

Yo Danny Fenton he was just fourteen 

When his parents built a very strange machine

It was designed to view a world unseen

He's gonna catch em all cuz he's Danny Phantom

When it didn't quite work his folks they just quit

Then Danny took a look inside of it

There was a great big flash every thing just changed

His molecules got all rearranged

Phantom Phantom

When he first woke up he realized

He had snow white hair and glowin green eyes

He could walk through walls disappear and fly

He was much more unique then the other guy

And when he knew what he had to do 

He had to stop all the ghosts that were comin through

He's here to fight for me and you

He's gonna catch em all cuz he's Danny Phantom

Gonna catch em all cuz he's Danny Phantom

Gonna catch em all cuz he's...

Danny Phantom!" The last two words were in dramatic whisper as Tuck finished with a pose... he even added a wink much to my and the girl's disgust.

A minute passed...

Then two...


"Wait, what?" Was the response that Valerie finally forced through her shock.

I had to sigh. "Remember when Danny had an accident right as Freshmen year started?" 

Val nodded, "Yeah, he got injured by one of his parents invet... the portal!"

"Like Tuck sang. Danny wanted to help his parents out by figuring out what went wrong with the portal. Turns out the reason why it didn't work when his parents tried to turn it on was due to some idiot, I'm just gonna assume that it was Jack cause he's the bigger idiot of the two, in more ways then one, put the on-off switch on the inside of the machine. Danny accidentally pressed the on button. A mix of 5,010,009 amps of electricity and ectoplasm directly hit his system... And I was born... -ish."

Li'l Red raised an eyebrow, "ish?"

"That was when we became what the ghosts call a Halfa, half-human half-ghost hybrid. Over time, I formed my own personality and, somehow, became my own separate person... in a way. Danny and I are one being, but we have two separate minds. From what we have discussed with Vlad during one of our fights after we found out that we, Danny and I, that we could communicate with each other; Vlad said that it was the same for him."

Val raised an eyebrow, "What about Ellie?"

"Ellie is... different. She wasn't created the same way that us and Vlad were. Ellie was supposed to be a clone of me and Danny that Vlad created. He wanted the Danny to be his perfect son, Danny wanted him to check into the crazy hotel... Which was something I just had to agree to when it turned out the FruitLoop was trying to clone us. Ellie was the only clone to survive. Why? We don't know. She was still unstable til I was able to stabilize her back when you met her."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Cause, for some insane reason that I can not understand, Danny trusts you." Li'l Red's glare soften a bit, "But if you don't believe me, then you can just ask Danny once this whole trip is done. Me, I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you."

This time, it was my turn to glare. "But I will tell you, Li'l Red, you use this knowledge against us and I will hunt you down and make your life and afterlife a liven Hell. And not even Danny's wishes could help you."

A soft touch brought me out of my anger. "Hush now, Phantom. We need her to like us, so that you won't have to carry out your... promise." Sam said calmly. She turned to Valerie, "Any more questions?"

"For now," Val nodded her head, "Phantom said that his name was Spectro."

"It wasn't a lie," Tuck answered with a shrug. "Spectro is how you say Phantom in Esperanto. Not our fault Esperanto is a dead language, and only nerds and geeks tend to know only a few phrases."

"What's Esperanto?"

"A dead language that was created in the late 1870's - early 1880's. It's a language only a handful of families know fluently. However, nerds and geeks tend to use phrases so that they can communicate with other nerds and geeks without certain people finding out what was said... Like a safety language." Tucker explained rather well.

A knock brought our attention to the door.

"Come in," I informed.

The door opened and Nurture came in. "If you four are done, it's dinner time. Would you like us to wait?"

"I'm not sure..." I turned to Val, "What do you say, Li'l Red, we done here?"

Sadly, for the African-American teen, her stomach answered for her. Valerie blushed a deep red. "We'll finish this later!!!" She hissed before storming out while I laughed.

"Li'l Red turned a little red!"

"Oh shut up, ghost scum."

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