Chapter 1

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The group moved in silence as I lead us through the fog. We soon reached the Wall.

"Hey Loser, why did we stop?" Mr. Quarterback wanted to know.

I turned to Tucker and Sam. "Did you two hear something?"

"Fenton!!" Dash growled.

Luckily, Mr. Lancer stepped in before anything happened.

"So, Mr. Spektro, why did we stop?"

"Why of course Mr. Vana*." The group, minus Sam and Tucker, while confused about what I called Lancer were also wondering why we stopped and listened in. I turned to the dark, dense, gray cloudy walls. "This is the Wall, or at least one of them. Right now we are in the most outer layers of Danny's mind. This is the place where daydreams and random thoughts come through; it is also the place where Danny and I are able to talk to each other. The reason why it's so dark is because Danny isn't awake right now. When awake, this layer can become quick bright and colorful.

"To travel from one layer to another we have to go through the Wall that separates them." Dash and Kwan shrugged before running straight into the Wall, only to feel as if they ran into a brick wall. "Now before anyone wants to act like these fools and run straight ahead, the only way to pass through the Wall is through a gateway."

Maddie raised her eyebrow. "And how exactly do we find this gateway?"

I smirked. "Magic.

"Dimidium unum, Nos regula hoc animo.

Audire bene, aut tua erit in obligat.

Ad exteriores motus ego volo ire.

Locum, ubi Gaudium, Tristitia, Ira et fluunt.

Ducere me bene vel Infernum invenietis."

The humans gasped as the clouds began to move.

Mr. Lancer moved towards the Fentons. "Since when does Daniel know Latin." The out-of-shaped teacher whispered.

"I-I'm not sure." Jack whispered back.

"Do you know what he said?" Maddie quietly asked.

"If my translation is correct: Half of one, We rule this mind. Listen well or thy shall be in a bind. The outer movements I wish to go. The place where Joy, Sadness, and Anger flow. Lead me well or to Hell you will find."

Before the three could wonder about my words any longer, the clouds had finished moving. Where nothing but a blank once stood, now stood a gate of stone. It was six feet tall and two feet wide, with another foot on each side entirely of black marble with flecks of white. The two feet in between the columns were a swirl of green and blue, similar to the Ghost Portal.

The group liked unsure at what to do; clapping my hands twice got their attention. "Alright folks." I said very cheerfully. "Please make a single file line... Sam and Tucker in the front cause I don't trust any of these stulte* malsaĝulo*. While I shall take the rear."

"What did you just call us, Fentina?" Dash growled while Paulina looked thoughtful.

"Malsaĝulo? That sounds exotic, just like me~." Paulina stated foolishly {Snicker Snicker}.

"Yeah Paulina, malsaĝulo fits you perfectly." Sam agreed before and a snickering Tucker walked through the gateway. They were soon followed by the confused A-Listers and adults. I shook my head before following. A mixture of cold and warmth covered me as I walked through the gateway.

I blinked a few times to get rid of the affects of the gateway. My vision cleared to see the group staring at our surroundings in awe and wonder. We were in a beautiful meadow full of different kinds of flowers.

I spread out my arms, catching everyone's attention at once. "Ladies and Gentlemen! I bid you welcome to Joy's Garden!"


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with friends and/or family. I, for one, got to hold my adorable baby cousin and feed him pumpkin pie and whip cream. Best part of family get-togethers. 

So a little sneak peak into the tale.

The group is going to meet joy, depression, and anger. Once they reach anger they will go through a door that will land them in a random place. Because I can't decide where they shall go first I decide to let you vote.

Shall they first go to:

Knowledge's Library

Innocence and Youth's Park

Nurture and Protecter's Home

Lust's Brothel

These are the only four places so chose wisely.

*Vana = Useless

*stulte = idiotic

*malsaĝulo = fools

MoonlitAlpha out! PEACE!

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