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Okay first off, sorry this isn't a new chapter. I know I haven't updated this story in awhile and that's all on me... I blame Writer's Block...

And that leads me to the second thing I want to basically beg: I have no idea what to do!!!! In the last chapter Romance challenges Phantom, or Spektro as he wishes to be called, to a game... I have no idea what game they should play. I tried various card games to bored games to even sudoku and nothing seems to fill right. So I'm gonna beg for ideas from my viewers. 

Card Games:

Bored Games:

Other Ideas:

Please leave an idea for what game I should play. Please and Thank You.

Okay, third of all: I want to thank you, my viewers, for viewing my Mind Trip. I now have 3.9K Viewers having seen it. Thank you so much and I hope you continue enjoy my stories.

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