Chapter 3

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Okay, this chapter has Depression in it. I'm not sure if it's worth putting on a warning on this chapter, but I'm going to anyway. So, there is some dark stuff; you have been warned. If you don't want to read the dark stuff then there's a summery at the bottom that explains what happened in the chapter.

K, Enjoy the show.


"Welcome," I started sadly, "to Depressions Lake."

"I thought Jazz was helped you to get past your depression?" Tucker asked, his straight face telling that he spoke truth.

I shrugged. "Roman may have burned in a day, but it wasn't built in one. Just be glad that I've been keeping us alive."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Sam said as she shrugged through, telling everyone that this was not an odd conversation for the three. "So, how are we finding Depression? We can't really go anywhere."

I shrugged, "We take a boat?"

"That sounded like a question." stated the nervous Kwan.

"Yeah." Dash agreed.

"Well, sor~ry. I don't usually take a boat when I'm here."

Mr. Lancer took up a thoughtful poise. "Then how, Mr. Spektro, do you get across the lake?"

"I use nunya."

"Oh~! What's nunya? It sounds exotic, like me." Squealed Paulina.

Sam, Tucker, and I snort. "Nunya business." We deadpanned together. 

"Oh" came the disappointed sound.

Maddie shook her head. "Weren't we trying to find a boat?"

"Right." I got everyone's attention. "Okay focus. This is one of the places that may, and can, end up killing you. Stick to the docks until we find a boat, hopefully we won't need one but I doubt it. Fall into the water and you will drown in tears. Get lost in the mist and you'll never find your way out."

"What do you mean, Mr. Spektro?" Questioned Lancer.

"This lake was formed from Depression's tears and blood. If you even touch it, the water will pull you under and drown you... Unless you're me or Danny, but even then it is dangerous. As for the mist... It's 10x thicker then the mass of ignorance that makes up your pathetic little town."

"Hey," Valerie yelled, "our town isn't that pathetic." I gave her my LOOK, as Tuck calls it. "Okay, maybe it is, but I still think you're exaggerating a bit."

"So, how do you know where we are going?" Maddie, the eternal scientist, questioned.

I didn't feel the need to answer her... Maddie growled under her breath when she realized that I was ignoring her.

It took a few minutes, but we reached the end of the docks... This time in beautiful silence when everyone realized that I didn't wan't to speak.

"Great!!!" I growled under my breath, the edge of the docks at my feet. "It seems we really will do need a boat." I turned back to the group. "Looks like I'm gonna have to leave you all here for a bit."

"WHAT!!!!!!!!" Went everyone at once.

I rolled my eyes. "I was hoping to run into Depression while on the docks, but he's not here and the boat is gone. That means that he is crying himself away out there... Probable while wishing for death. So, I have to go out there to get him and the boat back here so I can get you imbeciles, and Sam and Tucker, out of here and through Anger's realm."

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