Chapter 15

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Hey~ I'm alive! 

Enjoy the show!


Romance sighed, "You all can rest here... Get yourselves back to together after meeting my brother. I'll summon some drinks." With a clap of his hands, cups filled with a clear liquid appeared around the aspect that then moved to the me and the humans.

Romance chuckled as the humans looked at the drink in doubt, not trusting the twin brother of lust. "Worry not, it is just water. It is not in my nature to force my amants* to do with as I wish. I am not my twin though we do share générique* traits. You have no need to fear moi*."

Sam and Tucker shrugged then both drowned the water, the other humans soon following. 

Romance gestured to a couple of couches while the aspect made his way over to a room divider made of oak wood and a black and white silk pattern. "Go sit. I need to change into something a little less reviling. There's more water if you need it."

The aspect moved behind divider as the humans moved towards the couches, I just floated above them in order to relax. 

"So, I'm gonna guess that these humans are why the mind is on lock down. Oui?" Romance called out as his robe flung on top of the divider. 

"Oui, my friend, oui!" I answered, "A wish gone wrong."


Star and Paulina finally woke up.

"Nice to see you two have awoken." I spoke while still floating above them...

This caused the two girls to scream... It was very funny.


*Amants = Lovers*

*générique = generic*

*moi = me*

This is short. I have little-to-no ideas on this story. So, ya get what ya get.

hindi importanteng bagay

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