Chapter 6

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Same WARNINGs as last time. You have been warned.



Nurture looked between nervous and worried at the voice of his other-half echoed through the their home. "In the dinning room, Edzo."

"Mia Amoro, you will not believe the afterno... Oh, we have company." A new Danny walked into the room. He was wearing a black suit with an emerald-green tie. Confused aqua-blue eyes with flakes of green widened at the sight of so many humans in his and his wife's home. His black hair with streaks of white shone brighter then the room.

"Well, I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say that you ten are the reason that I was in a dull meeting from noon until now."

"Oh, mia amatino, that dreadful witch Desiree trapped them in their Lordships' mind."

The new aspect of Danny nodded, "Knowledge suspected as such. But since we were getting nowhere in the meeting, Responsibility decided that we should call it a night and continue in the morning." He turned to the group. "I'll take everyone with me then."

Mr. Lancer decided to break the humans' silence. "Yes, sorry about that." The over-weight teacher struck out his hand. "You must be Mr. Protector, correct? I'm..."

"Mr. William Lancer." Protector shook the teacher's hand, laughing at the look at shock on the teacher's face. "No need to look so confused, Mr. Lancer. Though I am not an emotion that you impact, there are many who respect what you do. Our brother Knowledge, for example, finds your use of book quotes quite beautiful. He and Creativity sometimes get into arguments about if your use of quotes are a form of art or not. It can be very funny... Until their argument excelerate {sp?} to the point that we have to physically stop them or doom ourselves to Mischief's mischief."

Mr. Lancer appeared to be stunned. Truly, it was hard for the teacher to comprehend how his most terrible student could really respect him. It was truly mind-boggling.

Nurture clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Now that we've got that out of the way, lets divvy out who sleeps where so that everyone can get settled before dinner."

Mr. Lancer, the unspoken spokes person, was still in shock, so Jack took over. "You don't have to go through all that trouble for us."

"No, no." Protector spoke quickly. "It is no trouble at all. You are guests in our home. What kind of hosts would we be if we don't go to the trouble."

"Besides," Nurture continued, "we won't have any other form of entertainment till Responsibility  releases the lock-down. So, about the sleeping arrangements..."

"Momma, Daddy, can Val stay with me in my room?" Ellie interrupted... when did she get back down?

"Hm~ Maybe if Ms. Valerie wants to." Protector chuckled.

Ellie turned her puppy-dog-eyes to the African-American girl. Said teen tried her hardest to resist, she really did, but in the end no one can resist a Halfa's puppy-dog-eyes.


"Woohoo! Come on Val, I wanna show you my dolls that Momma made me." The young Halfa grabbed a-hold of the teen's arm and dragged her out of the room.

Nurture giggled, "Well I guess that settled that. So, I was thinking putting all the two girls in one room, the two boys and Mr. Lancer in another, then Mr. and Mrs. Fenton in the third..."

"Wait a sec!" Maddie interrupted. "You said two girls and two boys when there are three of each," She said smuggle.

"You forgot to mention his Lordship." Protector pointed out. He shrugged, "And if you had listened further instead of interrupted mia Amoro then you would have heard him say that Lady Sam and Lord Tucker would room with his Lordship."

"Eww! Goth-Freak going at it with the Tech-Freak and the Nerd! Eww, Freak-Sex!" Paulina exclaimed, causing the other kids, minus Sam, Tucker, and the Danny's, to laugh. {I have nothing against Goths, Geeks, Nerds, and etc. I myself am a total Nerd.} Only for a bar of soap to appear in the Latino's mouth.

"Young Lady!" Nurture said furiously. "I do not know how, or even why, your parents allow you to speak like that, but in my house we do not use such words. Now, unless you wish to have no dinner, you will keep that bar of soap in your mouth for ten minutes. And I expect you all to keep a clean language for the remainder of your stay. Do I make myself clear?!?!"

Everyone nodded their head quickly and quietly, not one wishing to experience the, previously thought peaceful and meek, aspect.

Nurture gave a sweet smile, "Good."

And with that, the duo dropped off everyone to their 'rooms'.

When all that were left were me, Sam, Tuck, and the aspects, I motioned for the aspects to listen. "If it's not too much trouble, can you bring Valerie down to us; the four of us are going to have a talk."

"Of course, M'Lord." Nurture and Protector said in sync.

The duo then left us.

A minute passed before Sam spoke.

"Are you sure we should bring Val in?"

I nodded.

"I think it's a good idea," Tuck agreed, "Besides, girl's got moves that we could use in battle."

"But what if she turns on us?"

"And what if you and Tuck turn on us?" That stopped the both of them. "Danny chose to trust you, not caring about the what ifs. You know that Danny has been considering bring Lil' Red in for a while now. He is choosing to trust her, so I will choose to trust her."

"Trust me with what?"

I chuckled, "Speak of the Devil and she shall appear. How much did you hear?"

Valerie scowled, "All the way from you calling me "Lil' Red"."She paused, concern clearly in her eyes. "What did you do to Danny, Phantom?"

I smiled as I pushed the cold, and Valerie's eyes widened. "Took you awhile, ah, Lil' Red?"

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