Chapter 9

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The walk through the door was the easiest passage for the humans so far. Once through we found ourselves within the greeting room of a library. The building was huge inside, with several stories that went farther than should be humanly possible.

"Quite impressive, do you not agree?" A voice came from behind them, causing the humans to jump.

"Ah, Knowledge, you look as if you didn't rest last night" Protector stated in a laughing tone.

Knowledge pushed up his glasses and shifted his books before making his way to desk, "Your early, cousin. How shocking." He was dressed just as how I had predicted with his black blouse-like shirt and light-blue jeans. Forest-green eyes shone in annoyance as he sat down and began to leaf through one of his books. "And no. No, I was too busy."

"Did you at least find something useful?" I had to ask. If Knowledge had found something then I can get rid of these malsaĝulo.

Knowledge sighed in a tone that foretold bad news, "16,830,209 books have I looked through. Not one had a hint of what has happened. M'Lord, I suggest waiting for Responsibility and Stress for more information, they were planing on stopping by the Core and Heart before the meeting."

"Very well, but what should we do with them," I gestured towards the group of humans behind me. 

Knowledge looked up from his book. He faced the humans and tilted his head in would normally be an adorable look on the Danny that they knew, but with the cold, hard, calculated look deep within those emerald-green eyes, Knowledge was truly menacing. The humans stood there, frozen under the harsh, technical gaze.

"You are permitted to shuffle through this floor and the one above only, as well as read through any of the books that open for you." The keeper of our knowledge finally stated.

"Mr. Knowledge..." Mr. Lancer brought up in a questioning tone. Knowledge gave a soft smile, then nodded with permission. "What do you mean by 'books open for us'?"

"Of course, Enseignant. The books have minds of their own and can, in a way, sense if you are worthy of the Knowledge that they hold within," Knowledge explained. "Just because you pick out a book doesn't mean you can open it. And just because you can open the book doesn't mean you can read it." 

And with that, most of the humans separated to explore the library. 

Mr. Lancer decided to stay in order to speak with young Knowledge in hopes of getting to know his mysterious student, with Maddie staying as well to figure out the puzzle her son all of a sudden turned into. Jack was near-by in order to keep an eye on his wife. Sam and Tucker wanted to keep an eye on their classmates while Lil'Red stayed near in hopes of learning more about her 'loser-turned-friend-later-crush-turned-secret-enemy-turned-friend-and-ally-once-more'.

Me? I made myself comfy on a near-by cough with a book full of potential mates that Μητέρα* has been making me and Danny look over every time we visit her. 

"Spektro, what are you reading?"

I looked up to see Valerie watching me.

I shrugged, "Μητέρα wants me to find a lover soon so that she can have grandchildren."

Lil'Red raised an eyebrow, "Μητέρα?"

"It's Greek for mother, I believe." Mr. Lancer spoke up, joining the conversation with Knowledge. "Just how many languages do you and Daniel know, Mr. Spektro?"

Maddie perked up, hoping to learn something new about her son.

Knowledge look towards me, wanting to know if he should answer. I waved him off before turning back to looking through potential mates.

Knowledge took that as a sign and took a deep breath. "Danny can speak and understand Greek, Latin, Arabian, French, Esperanto, and many more. As well as understanding Japanese though he is working on speaking."

"Incredible," Mr. Lancer breathed out. "How long has Daniel known these languages?"

Knowledge took a moment, "Um... I believe... About a year or so. It takes their Lordships about three weeks to learn a new language, the longest was two weeks over that."

Maddie's eyes widened in shock, "How can he learn that fast?"

Knowledge gave a low chuckle, "Contrary to popular belief, Their Lordships are genius within their own right. Jazz had once tricked them into taking a bunch of IQ tests. He achieved an average of 450. Jazz was very surprised."

"4-4-450!" Maddie gasped, "But-But-But that's higher then Jazz. If he's so brilliant then why is he failing in school?"

"That would be because of us." Spoke a new voice, one full of authority that demanded respect.

Shocked, and a little fearful, the humans looked towards the new beings in their presence.

One wore a simple, clean, clear-cut suit with a whit undershirt. His gray hair, that surprisingly didn't make him look like an old man, was combed back, neat and in order. His eyes were like clear cut blue-green glass that masked his emotions completely. His back was rigid and his stance ready for anything. Authority oozed from his very being as if he had bathed in it or was raised as one of royalty.

His companion was the exact opposite.

Like  his counterpart, this being had gray hair and clear-cut, glass-like, blue-green eyes; however, that is where the resembles ended. His hair was scattered and had the appearance of a rat's nest. Circles so dark that they were almost black surrounded the eyes. His clothes were a mess, as if he had slept within those same clothes for years: The suit was ruffled with stains not being to hid on the white undershirt. A pencil was securely tucked in his left years and a notebook clutched within his right hand.

Responsibility and Stress had arrived.


*Μητέρα = mother*

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