Chapter 4

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The world twisted and turned as the group landed on the wooden floor. I couldn't help myself; I laughed. It was funny. The people piled on top of each other. It was very funny as they hurt each other trying to get untangled from the human knot.

Soon, another's laughter joined mine.

"Well, well, well. Now what have we here? Some foolish little mortals who dare to enter MY domain."

I stopped. "Crap!"

By now, the important characters, namely Sam, Tucker, Valerie, and Mr. Lancer as they are the only ones I respect, have untangled themselves and were now staring at the elephant in the room; mainly the room itself and its owner.

It was a dimly lit bar/gym scattered with chairs and tables, both broken and not, and bags of sand hanging form the ceiling. The room was lit by electric gas-lamps that cast eerie shadows across the room and figure. The figure was sitting at the bar on the left, empty glasses scattered around him. This Danny was dressed like a biker. Black leather skinny jeans merged with black steal-toed boots and a black leather jacket snugly laid openly. This showed us the short black tank-top loosely wrapped around his nipples and no lower. All the black highlighted this Danny's snow-white, scar ridden skin and the scattered white strains of hair.

Ice clinked, drawing our attention to the swirling glass swinging with this Danny's fingers. It was one of those tall, beer cups, the kind you see in those Superbowl commercials. It was halfway full with a clear, green-tinted liquid and a couple of ice cubes. This Danny's bloodshot eyes, the same eyes as Joy, and the fact that we were in a bar, were the only clues to what was in that cup.

"Hey, Anger, long time no see." I nervously stated.

Anger grunted before bringing the glass to his lips. Silence followed as Anger drowned the rest of his beverage, the atmosphere and our host scaring even the more chatty imbeciles quite. 

A moan-like sigh escaped Anger's lips as he sat the glass back down. He made a motion with his hands, "Bartender, another!" He demanded. We watched in silence as bottles of alcohol and an empty glass moved on their own. Not even the Fentons uttered a sound at the ghostly movements.

New glass in hand, Anger stared at the group. "So, what, in the name of Balance, are you bastards doing here? Ruining my celebrating and drinks, talk about rude."

"Celebrating?" question Mr. Lancer as Anger lifted the glass to his lips.

Before the liquid could rush past his lips, Anger stopped to look at us. "Did I say you could talk? I don't think I did. But," his lips rose into a craze-grin, his bloodshot eyes glowing with a rage the humans didn't know Danny could be capable of. Anger let loose a dark chuckle as he drowned his alcohol before smashing the empty glass on the counter and standing up. He moved silently, coming closer and closer to me and the groups. "But how about I tell you anyways... Oh yes, I think I shall." He had reached Mr. Lancer, grabbing the man's tie and forcing him at eye-length. Now we could smell the alcohol on Anger's breath as he spoke. "I'm celebrating our D-Day."

"D-Day?" Voiced Maddie, her curiosity over-riding her fear of this emotion.

Anger turned his head towards the female scientist. "Now, isn't that insensitive of you, dear old mother." he sweetly, yet coldly spat out. Then he laughed, "Mother... Mother... Mother... No really a good name, now is it? No, doesn't suit you at old." His eyes widened. "Oh, I know, I got the perfect name for you. Instead of mother I'll call you Bitch. Now that fits your personality better, eh, Bitch."

By now, the humans were shaking in their shoes, more so with Maddie. They were confused. Could this really be Danny's Anger? Could this really be a version of sweet little Danny Fenton? No, this wasn't the weak, little boy they were used to seeing. This was a predator stalking them. One that was calm and collected, ready to pounce and devour them at a moments notice.

"Anger..." Said emotion heard the warning in my voice and frozed.

He sighed. "You hate them as much as I do." He spoke, turning to face me. "So why should I force myself to heed your warning?"

"I hate it when you're calm," I mumbled, "it's so much easier to deal with you when you're hot."

Anger threw me a crazed look, Maddie still being held by her collar in the air. "Oh~ and just what the hell is that supposed to mean~?"

"It's simple." Sam stated for me. "When Danny's Anger gets awaken, it ends in one of two ways...

Tucker took over, "We refer to them as Hot and Calm. Hot is the unplanned one. When Hot, Danny doesn't think through his actions..."

"He's dangerous and hard to calm down, as well as completely spontaneous. The only good thing is that Hot Danny is easier to control. Just direct his Anger onto something resistant and durable and let him at it till he runs out of energy."

"But with Calm..." Tucker cast a glance towards Anger. "Calm Danny is... dangerous, more so then Hot Danny."

"And why is that?" Kwan, being a brave soul, asked.

Anger spoke up, "Because I don't act in the moment when I'm Calm. I think. I plan. I prepare. And I watch as whatever poor soul that dared to awaken the Calm fall into my wonderfully destructive plan with absolute glee." He squealed in happiness... It was very unsettling for not only the group of humans but for me as well. "But I guess I could let her go... for now anyways, more fun for later."

And with that, Anger let Maddie go. She landed on the ground before quickly moving away from the crazy emotion.

"Your can't be apart of my son." Maddie spat. "My little Danny would never be this cruel." 

An uncontrollable, dark laughter erupted from Anger. "Ah! haha! That was a good one." He said, wiping a tear of laughter away. "Oh, Bitch, I'm many things, but I'm far from cruel. I'm simply who I am. Nothing more, nothing less." All laughter vanished as Anger grew more serious. "After all, that's what makes me different from the other emotion. I let my Anger out. I don't try to contain the rage. But that doesn't make me cruel, it makes me true to myself.

"What's more, Danny isn't your little anything. What do you really know about the one you call your son? Truth is, Danny stopped being your son years ago."

"Anger!" I hissed. "Just open the damn gate already! And you, Madeline, shut up before I kill you, what Danny wants be damned."

Anger rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Boss.

"De base au plus profondément à l'intérieur,

pour ce groupe n'est pas fin.

Les guider en toute sécurité,

pour leur destination est vacillante.

Ainsi parle la colère ou de la famille.*"

"Daniel knows French too!" Mr. Lancer was now confused, just how many languages did Danny know.

Anger waved bye bye as the floor suddenly gave way. The humans screamed in shock and fear as the floating emotion grew smaller and smaller.

I sighed once more before crossing my arms and legs. "Wake me when we land."




*The basis for the more deeply to the interior,

for this group is not End.

The Guide in any security,

for their destination is shaky.

Thus spoke the anger or the family.

Yeah, I haven't been around for awhile, sorry. Things have been crazy, and I have been running out of ideas. I am going to keep working on my other fics, don't worry.

Knowledge's Library 0

Innocence and Youth's Park 0

Nurture and Protecter's Home 1

Lust's Brothel 0

Till next time...

Plus tard les gens

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