Chapter 20

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Sorry it's taken me so long to update. Life is insistent on throwing me a whole bunch of curve balls. I can't promise faster updates, or that I'll actually finish my most of my stories, but I will try.


"Power of Life flows free. Through the flowers, grass and trees. By listening carefully, that power flows through me. Who am I?"

Ahh~ This one is a bit trickier. There are two different people I can think of to match this description. One ghost. One human. Just who will you pick Madeline?

The woman took a bit longer than the first two, though not as long as it took for the third, before she chose a rose with pink and dark red dancing across the petals with the occasional reddish brown splashed as well.

A look of surprise flashed through Romance's eyes before it was quickly buried, far too fast t=for the humans to notice.

"Is that your final decision?" Madeline nodded. "Very well. To hear the call of hunter's pride, that thundering sound leaving not a hide. To capture to cage or skin, there is no other sound on my side. Who am I?"

This one took even longer than the others, not surprising considering just who Romance was talking about. The thought of who it could be shined in her eyes as she reached the answer, but the hard part was the flowers. How can you chose the emotions to best represent someone when you don't even think they are capable of emotions?

Finally, a minute before time ran out, Madeline chose her flower: Dark red, brown, red-orange, dark green swirled together with just a hint of black under the surface. One of the dark flowers she could have chosen, but I couldn't think of a better fit.

"You seem so sure of your choice, Madeline," Romance stated with a smirk.

The human woman glared at the emotion, "Just give me the next riddle!"

Romance's smirk just widened, showing off pearl-white teeth that made Paulina and Star swoon a little, and the aspect gave a mock bow, "As you wish. Raged within a falsely truth. Though shown the way, deep within denial stays. Really, they are actions of youth. Who am I?"

Moments of thought were soon over as Madeline chose a rose where dark red, dark orange, and red-orange twisted and turned around each other, making it hard to see where one color ended and the other began, while dark purple out lined the whole thing.

"Next?" the human asked with a smirk of her own as she glared at the aspect, though the smirk soon turned into a frown while the glare became more intense at the sight of the aspect's happy face.

"Though life has been great, tied down I have become. I force my way through all dictates, not noticing how most view me unwelcome. After all, my obsession has me trapped in what I believe is fate." Romance stated with a grin that was far too toothy to be humanly possible. "Who am I?"

Madeline blinked, not understanding the aspect's words. She soon ran out of time as she couldn't think of what rose to grab. With only seconds left, she grabbed grabbed the nearest rose. This one was mostly black with splashes of dark red, dark green, dark blue, and a golden color, though it was a bit duller than the gold on some of the other roses.

"Impressive," Romance said as his impossibly wide grin widened even more. "Here is your last riddle, Madeline: Life and Death, the line unclear. Forgotten by all yet always drowning in cheers. Belong to both, welcomed in none. Slowly, ever so slowly, I come undone. Yet I always have their jeer. Who am I?"

Like before, Madeline soon ran out of time trying to figure at the riddle. It was only through Instinct alone that she quickly grabbed a rose before time ran out. This rose had and even amount of black and white petals, though the petals were scattered so it would be hard for humans to tell, and outlining the petals was a bright golden color.

"Truly impressive, Madame Madeline," Romance stated before vanishing the rest of the roses with a wave of his hand. "Now, lets see if you got it right."


I finally figured out what the other riddles should be, and I believe I got all seven. Who do you think which is which?

Find out the truth next time.

Till then, auf wiedersehen my beloved pups.

Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love.

Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.
Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.
Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.
Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust.
Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action.
Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality.

Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy.
Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.

Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.
Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discord, and jealousy.
Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection.
Olive green is the traditional color of peace.

Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness.
Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.

Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.
Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.

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