Go get her (g.d.g.)

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Y/N and Gabe walk arm in arm into ImmaSpace. Gabe dragged the girl over to the group of his friends. Y/N is apart of ImmaBeast, she's actually a choreographer like Sean and Taylor. But she isn't real associated with Gabe's friends. Except for Big Will and Sean.

"Hey guys!" Gabe exclaims as he bro hugs the boys and high fives the girls.

"Hey Gabe, Hey Y/N." Kaycee exclaims hugging Gabe and waving at me slightly. Y/N gives her a small smile back.

"Well babe I got a meeting with Taylor, Janelle, and Will. Bye." Y/N says hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"Bye I love you." Gabe says as she pulls away.

"Love you too, bub." Y/N replies as she walks off to Janelle and Will's office.

     "So how is the relationship going with, Y/N?" Kenneth asks as Gabe sat down next to him.

     "It's great, she's the best girlfriend anybody could ask for." Gabe exclaims looking back down on his phone. He was scrolling through his photos when he saw a dance video of him and Kaycee.

      "But...." Will says trailing off, when he sees the video.

      "But, I think I have feelings for Kaycee." Gabe breathes out. The boys all turn to him with sympathetic looks.

     "Don't give me those pity looks. Just help me here. What should I do?" Gabe asks looking at the boys.

     "Start off by telling us what you love about Y/N." Sean says. Gabe sits up and inhales before he starts.

      "Y/N is literally a ball of sunshine. She's always checking up on people and making sure their ok. She has the same passion for dance as me and she's so loyal. She also makes the best food." Gabe says. The boys laugh at the last part because they knew how much Gabe loves Y/N's food.

      "Now tell us about Kaycee." Josh says scooting closer to the group.

"I don't know where to start. Kaycee is cute, talented, and an amazing best friend and dance partner. Yes she can be really weird at times but that's what makes her Kaycee. She is always ready to make new friends and I'm so glad to have her in my life." Gabe says. Suddenly, the boys' eyes were wide open in realization.

"Gabe I think you know what to do." Julian says patting his shoulder. At that moment Y/N walks out of Janelle and Will's office. Gabe got up to talk to her.

"Y/N you know I love you so much. And you have been the best girlfriend ever for the past few months but-" Gabe was cut off by Y/N's quiet giggling.

"Let me guess. You realized you have feelings for someone?" Y/N says more of a statement then a question. Gabe nods.

"It's Kaycee. I think she's the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I'm so sorry though. Just know I cherish all the memories in our relationship as much as you do." Gabe apologizes.

"Gabe its fine. We both know this has happened to me many times before. And we both know that I'm happy to go through heartbreak again. I look at relationships as finding love or helping people find love in others. As long as your happy I'm happy."
Y/N replies smiling. Gabe pulls Y/N in for hug and the pulls away.

       "Go get her." Y/N whispers and winks at Gabe. Gabe nods his head and walks over to Kaycee and the girls. Y/N watches as Gabe turns Kaycee around and talks to her. Kaycee nods her head and hugs him tightly. They both turn to Y/N and smile. She smiles putting two thumbs. They both chuckled looked at each other again and kissed.

      Yes it did hurt Y/N because the same thing happens every time but she was glad she brought two people closer than ever. Then boysquad walks over to her.

      "Are you ok Y/N. I know we don't talk much but I know how much it must hurt to break up with someone." Kenneth says sincerely.

      "Honestly I'm ok. If they love each other then everything's fine. I'm just glad that I brought two people together." Y/N answers smiling at the boys.

       "Well if you ever need a friend or something we're always here. I know how hard it is for you to make friends but you have us." Sean offers pulling her in for a side hug.

        "Thanks guys and don't worry I will. I have a class to teach. So I'll see you around." She says waving to them. They all say bye back as she walks to the studio space. As she's walking Will chases after her.

      "Y/N I know you just got out of a break up and everything but-" Will was cut off by Y/N kissing his cheek.

      "I would love to hang out. Will, just text me the details." Y/N answers smiling.

       "Ok, good luck with your class. Me and the boys will pass by if we can." Will says.

       "That would be awesome." Y/N says hugging him and walking off.

Out of heartbreaks comes new love.

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