dating josh would mean.....

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- flying to canada with him

- hanging out with sean and josh p

- helping him remember his lyrics for performances

- will pairing you guys together during babe

- becoming best friends with the now united girls

- third wheeling to him and noah

- "why do i ship you and noah more than i ship you and me?"

- filming all of his dance videos for him

- being on his instagram story 25/8

- "babe smile for the gram!"

- sean and julian interrupting your moments alone

- drives through the city at night

- him dragging you to his dance classes

- him convincing you to dance for the class videos

- will and janelle counting on you to make sure he's on time

- him teaching you how to do the moonwalk

- "do i step before sliding my right or my left foot?"

- "neither!"

- getting jealous every time he and taylor dance with each other

- "don't worry y/n we're just close friends"

- him facetiming you when he's canada, whiles you're in cali

a/n should i make a babe18 book? adding josh imagines because he's too cute to leave out

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