surprise (k.s.j.)

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"what's up guys, it's tati. and right now i'm here with sean, gabe, kaycee and y/n. and we're on our way to the airport to pick up kenny boy. who is coming from the philippines." tati says to her blog camera as she shows the other teens in her mom's car.

"also known as y/n's lover." sean adds smirking over at the girl who was nervously tapping away at her phone.

"y/n, you good over there?" gabe asks causing the girl to quickly look up and smile before going back to whatever she was doing. causing kaycee to face the vlog camera.

"let me tell you a little story," kaycee says to the camera, "so basically sean and gabe thought it would be fun for us to watch a movie about a plane crash just two hours before we got ready to go to the airport. so now y/n is worried sick, thinking that kenneth's plane could crash."

the two asian boys chuckle to themselves as the girls glare at them. but soon enough, tati's mom pulled infront of the airport instructing the teens to go pick up kenneth and come back.

the teens give a chorus of 'okay' and 'got it' before rushing out of the car and towards the front of the building. with y/n leading the way. it takes about ten minutes before they're in front of the door where kenneth and ac will be passing through.

y/n took this as the time to full on panick.

"his is suppose to be here at 6:35. it's 6:36 where is he?!" y/n exclaims pacing back and forth.

"y/n! it's just one minute he probably stopped to tie his shoe. or he's at the back of a long line of passengers. but please calm down." sean says trying to calm the girl down.

"that was a bad idea sean." tati says to her camera before facing it back at the two friends.

"calm down. you're telling me to calm down! my boyfriend and my bestfriend's plane could be crashing towards the end of the earth, and you're telling me to calm the f*ck down. if kenneth was your boyfriend you guys would be freaking out too." y/n snaps running her hands through her hair.

"but we're not gay." gabe says gesturing in between him and sean, whiles sean nods in agreement. kaycee slaps both boys upside their heads causing them to groan in pain.

"y/n sweetie, why don't you go to the bathroom and splash some water on your face. by the time you get back ac and kenneth should be here." tati says soothingly pointing the camera to herself and y/n as she gives the other girl a side squeeze.

y/n nods before making her way to the bathroom slowly whiles looking down at her hair ever so often.
once y/n was out of earshot and sight, sean and gabe turn to kaycee and tati smirking.

"what are you guys smirking about?" kaycee asks causing the smirks on their faces to grow even more.

"so we came up with a great idea. we have kenneth go to tati's mom's car and wait for us there. and then we only have ac stay. that way y/n thinks he didn't come, and then when we get to the car, she sees him and boom happy ever after." sean explains.

"i don't understand how you guys could be so sweet but so cruel at the same time." tati says causing the two boys to smile and shrug.

ten minutes later, y/n was sent on a wild goose chase on a quest to find fresh pressed juice at the very end of the lax. meanwhile, the plane from malina, philippines had landed and the four friends were trying to scout out ac and kenneth through the crowd of people.

"where are they?!" kaycee whisper yells, already frustrated from the search. sean and gabe put their hand on her shoulder in attempt to calm her down. but their kind gesture only earned a deadly glare from the petite brunette.

"guys over there!" tati yells causing all of their attention to snap towards the direction she was pointing her camera towards.

and to there surprise, kenneth and ac were standing off to the side near the exiting door looking like lost puppies. the group quickly dashed over to them and engulfs them in hugs.

"it's so great to see you guys again." kenneth says as he moves on from bro huggging the boys and moving on to hug the girls.

"where's y/n." ac asks as she looks around for her best friend of four years.

"actually that's what we were gonna talk to you about. basically y/n is off on the other side of lax. she's on her way back but we need kenneth to hide in my mom's car so we can surprise her." tati explains pointing the camera at herself and kenneth.

kenneth nods before grabbing his luggage and quickly making his way outside of the airport. not long after, y/n appears and instantly squeals and runs towards ac engulfing her in a hug.

"oh my gosh ac, i missed you so much. words can't describe it." y/n says as she pulls away from the shorter girl. she looks around for her boyfriend but he was nowhere to be found.

"guys? where's kenneth?" y/n asks fidgeting with her hoodie sleeves. the hoodie belonged to kenneth, he gave it to her before leaving for the philippines.

"umm y/n. kenneth was held back for some other projects, but he said that he'll get the nearest flight out as soon as he's done." gabe explains with a sad face on. everyone gives her sympathetic looks as sean pulls her in for a hug.

y/n leans her head on sean's chest before all of them make their way out of lax and towards tati's mom's car. everyone helps ac with her bags whiles y/n enters the car only to be met by her boyfriend.

kenneth smiles as he watches her eyes go wide. y/n quickly turns around only for kenneth to get out of the car and follow after her.

"i don't want you to see me like this." y/n sniffs as kenneth turns her around and hugs her tightly.

"you're still beautiful." kenneth whispers before kissing the top of her head.

"but they said, they said that you were held back."
y/n says suddenly confused by what was going on.

"surprise!" behind the couple were their friends who were holding up jazz hands. y/n rolled her eyes with a soft laugh before wrapping her arms around kenneth's waist, causing kenneth to lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips.

"guys please enough with the pda." sean exclaims pretending to puke.

"shut up sean!"

author's note.   i'm back!

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