10. Trial Member

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Open Waters

Chapter Ten

Trial Member

"No luck," Nagisa sighed. "He won't say yes. I don't think Rei-chan likes water."

Hana sighed as well, bracing herself against the desk she, Haru and Makoto were gathered it. It had been a day since Miss Amakata had informed them that they'd need a fourth swimmer for a chance to increase their budget if they placed in a tournament, and already they were feeling dispirited. 

Why couldn't they just produce a swimmer out if thin air?

"Forget that kid," Haru said. "He doesn't deserve the water."

That was the wrong thing to say. Nagisa slammed his hands against the wood of the desk and leaned forward into Haru's face. "If you say that, then nobody will join! We'll have to spend all winter lifting weights and jogging! Are you okay with that, Haru-chan? Are you really okay with that?"

For once, Haru looked intimidated. He turned his face away, but sighed a defeated, "No."

I knew that would be the case. Hana smiled in amusement.

Nagisa frowned, holding his chin in a thoughtful pose. "I think we need to ask Ama-chan to strip down for us," he said thoughtfully.

Wait, he's not being serious, is he? But after catching the serious expression on his face, Hana knew that he was.

Hana stared openly at Nagisa, her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, filled with shock and horror. Didn't he hear what she said last time? "Absolutely not!" she seethed, slamming her fist on the table. The loud noise attracted a few stares, but Hana didn't care. "Didn't you hear her last time? Honestly, she's a teacher, you idiot!"

Nagisa deflated like a balloon at Hana's words. She snorted inwardly, folding her arms. I swear, Nagisa acts before he thinks things through.

"Then we should reverse it!" the blonde boy exclaimed, not to be kept downtrodden for long.

"Reverse it?" Makoto repeated. Hana furrowed her eyebrows, confused. What did Nagisa mean by reversing it? How did you reverse seeing Ama-change in a swimsuit?

Unless... unless... oh good God, he actually isn't going to say...

"If you join, you get to have Ama-chan see you in a swimsuit!" Nagisa exclaimed. From his expression and tone of voice, you would think that he had just come up with the most ingenious idea in the world.

He got the exact opposite reaction from Hana. "No, no, a thousand times no! Not happening, Nagisa!" She glared daggers at him. Normally she got on really well with Nagisa, but when suggestions like this popped up, she instantly got defensive no matter who was saying it. She would just as easily snap at Makoto or Haru.

Apparently oblivious to Hana's reaction, Haru absently grabbed a pen and went to write on the poster in front of them. Fortunately, Makoto realised what Haru was doing and seized his wrist, preventing the pen from touching the paper. "Wait, don't write that down!" he exclaimed.

Hana didn't fully understand why, but she suddenly felt someone else's presence behind her. She swallowed. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Slowly, Hana craned her neck around, and bit her lip as she saw Miss Amakata standing behind their little group. Did she hear everything the boys just said? Oh gosh, judging by the expression on her face, she did.

"Excuse me, boys," Ama-chan began. Hana felt relieved, even a little amused as she only said 'boys.' She was free from whatever their teacher might be about to say, so she was free to stand back and enjoy whatever was about to unfold.

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