18. Back to the Surface

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Quick note: this chapter is told in the dual perspective of Haru and Hana. Apologies if this chapter seems to jump around a little!

Open Waters

Chapter Eighteen

Back to the Surface



Haru opened his eyes slowly, the voice echoing in his head. Somehow, he had heard the voice, even though the sound of pounding rain and the fierce flapping of the tent assaulted his ears from the moment he was dragged from his sleep. The voice had been so distant, but still, so recognisable: Makoto's voice, risen in panic. Maybe that was what had awakened him.

Despite the cold, Haru sat himself fully upright, the sleeping bag sliding off his chest. He paused for a moment, reaching out with his ears to see if he could hear anything else. Had Makoto actually said that, or had that been a trick to his ears?

Haru was aware of movement beside him, and Nagisa lazily pushed himself up so he rested on his elbow, the other arm rubbing his eyes. "Haru-chan?" the blonde boy murmured sleepily.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

Haru glanced back at the entrance to their tent. "That voice."

"Huh?" Nagisa mumbled, but Haru was already getting out of his sleeping bag. The zip of the entrance could barely be heard over the wind and the rain.

The minute he stepped outside, Haru found himself to be nearly blinded by the onslaught of heavy rain. Soaked to the bone the minute he stepped outside the protection of his waterproof tent, Haru got to his feet and placed a hand over his eyes in an attempt to try and shield them from the rain.

Had Makoto been out in this? Haru felt concerned for his friend. These conditions, while milder, were similar to what had happened that day, when the fisherman's boat sank. Were the memories bothering Makoto? And what about Hana?

Haru glanced temporarily over at Hana's tent as he thought her name. He found himself wondering if she was awake right now and, if she was, how she was coping with these conditions. She had endured an even more traumatising experience than Makoto that day. And though she was trying to overcome her fear, Haru had noticed that she still sometimes looked fearful when she was around the water, especially on their journey here. She had been cheerful and tried to cover up her fear, but Haru had read past her mask in an instant.

A flutter of movement caught his eye, and Haru quickly looked over to find the entrance to Makoto and Rei's tent fluttering slightly in the fierce wind. He staggered over there now, the once soft sand reduced to a sludge.

"Makoto?" Haru called. He knelt down by the tent's entrance, pushing the door back to give him a clear view of the inside,

"What's wrong?" Nagisa asked, his words slightly slurred out of tiredness. That tiredness soon started to dissipate as he caught sight of the empty tent. "Huh? They're gone..."

Haru reached out into the tent, past the damp area where the rain had entered and soaked the inside. He placed his hand on Makoto's bed roll and frowned. "It's still warm," he realised.

"Did they go to the restroom?"

Haru shook his head slightly and stood back up. No. He didn't think that they had done just that. If they had, why had he heard his friend's voice risen up in a panic?

The only thing that could have caused that here...

Haru cast his eyes once more out to the ocean, and searching through the darkness and incoming rain to the best of his ability. It was definitely a struggle, and his desperation was making him impatient. He had to know if both his friends were alright. If anything happened... he didn't even want to think about it.

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