30. For the Team

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Open Waters

Chapter Thirty

For the Team

Hana felt like the walking dead when Mae gently shook her awake the next morning. She'd fallen asleep on the floor by her project, having been too tired to crawl up to her bed. Because of this, she now ached from the uncomfortable, hard floor.

It was still dark outside as Hana stumbled to her feet. The hot shower she had helped her wake up a little. She was glad she'd had the insight to get things organised before she started her project the night before, since she was moving so sluggishly now.

The plan had been to listen to her iPod while being driven to the regionals venue. But that plan soon turned to dust, Hana going out like a light once the engine got going.

At least it cut down the journey time, for it felt like only the next minute she they arrived, Mae having to wake her daughter again. They'd made good time, though parking was surprisingly full already, people miling about despite the early hour. Hana wondered how early they'd woken to get here, or if they'd decided to sleep in this city overnight. She couldn't see much of it, but she could tell what Haru meant when he said this place was big and different. It definitely differed to the fairly small town of Iwatobi.

Mae and Hana said their goodbyes there, since Hana would be dropped off back home. "Pass my wishes for good luck on to the boys!" Mae called as she drove out, leaving her parking spot avaliable to someone else.

"I will!" Hana turned and headed for the venue for the regional tournament. She paused for a minute, just taking in the outside. It was definitely grand and exceptionally different to anything they might find in Iwatobi: it was large, the sun reflecting off the numerous windows and silver finish.

I can definitely see why they chose to host the regional tournament here.

The inside was just as nice as the outside. After walking through

"Hana! There you are!" Hana glanced up and saw Gou running over.

"Kou!" Hana greeted, her friend coming to a standstill before her. "It's great to see you." She peered deeper into the crowds, realising a few people were missing. "Where's Sasabe and Miss Amakata? They were coming today, right?"

"Sasabe and Miss Amakata are finding seats, as is Hanamura," Gou explained.

Hana nodded, but there was one part of that explanation that had her confused. "Hanamura?" She'd never heard of the name before.

"Oh, I don't think I've introduced you two. She's my friend. You've met a few times."

A lightbulb went off in Hana's head. Gou's light-brown haired friend... that's Hanamura. "Oh. That's her."  Hana glanced down at the banner in her hands. "Hey, Kou, can I... ask a favour?"


Hana explained the banner to her head-haired friend, and how she planned to reveal it to the boys, and how Gou's help would be appreciated. Once she'd finished, Gou was grinning.

"Hana, you genius!" Gou laughed. "That's... that's brilliant."

"I wanted it to be a surprise for the guys..." A flash of light blue and white caught Hana's eye, and she shifted her head position slightly to see the boys walking in. "Oh look, here they are now."

Quickly, they ran up to their friends. "Oh, there you are," Makoto said, the first to notice them. Hana bit her lip and shifted the banner in her hands behind her back, tightening her grip on it. 

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