Damien x William

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Damien stands in the middle of an empty parking lot. He would always walk home from school and talk to himself as he did so. But today was different. He was walking way slower then normal so by time he was in the middle of parking lot, the sun had already started to set.

Damien wasn't like most grade 12 students. He always felt like he was alone, yet he had no reason to.

"Have you ever felt like nobody was there?" He sang softly to himself.

He tugs at his uniforms coat, trying to keep his thoughts together as the soft cold rain falls over his face, his breath appearing in the air due to it being late October.

"Have you ever felt forgotten, and lost in the middle of no where."

He looks around the empty parking lot. This was the best way to represent how he felt. Like his life was an empty parking lot, just waiting to be filled with cars, but won't be because it's late out. Everyone's gone home.

"Have you felt like you could disappear." Tears fill his eyes slowly as his breath begins to hitch. "You could fall... And no one would hear."

At this point, Damien hadn't even noticed the boy riding his long board up to him. He had gotten off of it so that he didn't interupt the other boy. He had heard all of what had been said and he grips onto his tie, trying to comprehend what had happened to the boy, crying in the parking lot.

"Well, let that pain wash away." Will speaks up softly.

Damien turns around and looks at the boy. He took a moment to look him up and down.


He looks like him, part from the bright few strands of pink dyed hair in the front of his bands poking out.

"Maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay." Will gives Damien a soft smile, one that almost indicated that he was gonna be okay.

"Because when you don't feel strong enough to stand..." Damien says, tears down his face.

"You can reach... Reach out your hand." Will says looking at him with content. "And I know someone will come running."

Damien looks at him with shock and fear, sadness and other fixed emotions. He truly didn't know how to feel.

"And I know... They'll take you home."

Damien starts crying completely now. He was just minding his own business, walking and crying. This sort of thing always happens, but never with someone watching him.

"Even when the dark come crashing though?" Damien asks softly, his voice Shakey due to him crying.

"I'll be here, to carry you."

"And when I'm broken on the ground?"

"You will be found." Will says before walking up to him.

Damiens heart races as he feels Will wrap his arms around him. He blushes softly and hugs him back, crying into his shoulder.

"So let the sun come streaming in, cause you'll rise up and you'll fly again.

"Shh. It's okay. Tell me what's wrong." Will says softly.

"I... Nothing... And everything."

"I understand, don't worry."

Damien looks up at the slightly pink hair man with wide eyes and a shocked open mouth expression.

"Y-you do." Damien says blushing deeper.

"I do."


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