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Main Office
Fresno Police Headquarters [Fresno, CA.]
February 10, 2017. 1:10 P.M.


I walked into the bustling room of my workplace, sipping on my large caramel Frappuccino that I ordered from Starbucks a few minutes ago. Clad in my all-black uniform with matching shoes and my medium length, curly hair kept in a braided bun, I greet some of my coworkers with a nod. Slivering through the crowd of people, I hurried over to the desk that me and my partner shared.

The name's Elise Dupree - one of the finest police detectives who's made a name for herself in the FPD (Fresno Police Department). In the short time span of four years, my big break occurred after I solved a case involving a woman charged with extortion from a rising celebrity back in 2014. Ever since then, I've decided to focus on cases that involve protecting celebrities from blackmail and extortions.

Searching through my files in scattered folders on my desk, I began to write out my report to give to our chief, Cheyenne Swanson. Crimes have been increasing lately, but it was worth it in the end if I could protect the citizens in my city from danger.


I rolled my eyes from the voice that was calling me. I turned around and noticed my partner, Lucian Avery Jackson marching towards me. While I was more brazen and impulsive, he was more tactful and steady and we balanced each other out well. Lucian has been my partner for the last two years. After he sat down across from me, he ripped into me. "What the hell were thinking back there?"

"I was trying to stop a man from robbing those old ladies," I explained. "Where the hell were you when that was happening? Nowhere in sight."

Lucian sighed angrily as he placed his gun down on his work desk, "You knew damn well you should've waited for me but no, you had to make matters into your own hands."

"And do what? Wait for a heartless man to end the lives of innocent people? I was not gonna wait for that to happen," I remembered vividly that one of them had a sawed-off shotgun and they were threatening those old ladies to hand over their purses. It sickens me knowing that people would go so far as to assault on the elderly. "I took them down, didn't I? Why can't you just give me that?"

Lucian rubbed his temples, "Because we're partners, Elise. That's why. We're supposed to look out for one another and have each other's back. But lately, it seems like you don't even know what that means anymore. You're always jumping the gun and ignoring the consequences of your actions. Is it because you saw that woman again?"

Anger steadily brimming in my eyes, "This has nothing to do with that, Lucian and if it bothers you so much, then why don't you find another partner you can walk all over."

I take a large swig of my frappuccino and turn away from him. I know it sounds like I'm being harsh with him, but I couldn't really help it. I know he means well, but I wish that sometimes that he would look at things from my point of view at least once.

From the other side of the room, a younger woman had exited the door from the chief's office and she approached me and Lucian while we were in the middle of our argument. "Ms. Dupree, Mr. Jackson, I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but Cheyenne wants to see you. Now."

We exchange looks with each other, not liking the fact that our chief wanted to speak to us. We rarely got called into the office and without saying anything, the both of us got up and made their way into her office.

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