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Sportpaleis Antwerp [Antwerp, Belgium.]
March, 28 2017. 6:37 P.M.


It was hard to believe that a ordinary woman like myself was now in the heart of Europe working with the one and only Bruno Mars. People only dreamed of having the chance of simply being in his presence and here I was, granted such a chance with my two best friends, working alongside him in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

My hands slightly clammed up with perspiration, my vision focused for any type of activity that could disrupt the evening. Thankfully, nothing out of the ordinary had taken place as of yet and I could try to relax for a few moments. We're in Antwerp, Belgium and the stadium was packed to capacity with thousands of people who have come just to see him. Most of the crowd engaged in small talk while waiting patiently for tonight's festivities to begin.

"It won't be long now," Tessa was checking out the scenery, noting that there was a mixed crowd of people for the evening. "I can't wait for the show to get started."

"Elise, when does your shift begins?" Callie questioned, her eyes not leaving her iPad as her fingers gently tapped gently on the screen and focused on her report.

"Around the time when Bruno does the eighth song in his concert set. It'll be in the next thirty-five or forty minutes," I adjusted my uniform, not liking the fact that my pants kept slithering down my hips. It was a little big on me and it forced me to wear a belt, which I would have to ask Nathanial for a size change later whenever I had some free time to spare. Curiosity got the better of me and I leaned over to see what Callie was working on. "Girl, this is incredible!"

Callie's rough exterior would apprise others that she composed her writing in the same manner that she spoke. That was definitely not the case here when I continued my quick perusal over an article that she posted detailing the European leg of Bruno's tour. Her accuracy with word usage was impressive, no grammatical errors present, extensive vocabulary, and not to mention that her sentence structure was nothing less of outstanding. Many would believe that a veteran publicist who had numerous years of experience had constructed the article. Callie's skills as a journalist were definitely working well in her favor.

"And people say I wasn't cut out to be a journalist," Callie smiled at me from seeing how impressed I was with her work. "Fuck all them haters. I got this shit on lock."

"You didn't forget the wine and wet wipes, right?" Tessa inquired.

"I got you covered," Callie answered. "It's in the back waiting for him when the show's over."

"Thank you, Callie!" Tessa embraced Callie for going the extra mile for Bruno. "You can go ahead and take a break if you want to. Give the reports a break since you've been at it all morning." she offered.

Not only did Callie decided to be the tour's new publicist, she also assigned herself to be the tour's rider as well. For those who don't know what that is, a tour rider basically provides for the group. It could range from specific foods, beverages, fresh towels, transportation, hotels, and even a personal shopper for the band in case they need certain things.

I understand why Bruno and the others would want to have that. They're constantly on the move, going from venue to venue with little time for hygiene and amenities to accommodate them. Plus, the guys probably want a drink after doing a show to help them relax and unwind. That's just my take on it, but I could be wrong in that regard.

"Shit, you ain't gotta tell me twice. I'll catch y'all later," Callie gathered up her things, her iPad in tote and proceeded backstage where she could have a little privacy. She hasn't spoke to Caitlín for while because of her constant workload, but Callie would make sure that her lady would at least hear her voice tonight.

.:*The One Who Protects His Magic*:. || A Bruno Mars FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now