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59th Annual Grammy Awards Ceremony
Staples Center [Los Angeles, CA.]
February 12, 2017. 5:57 P.M.


"Oh my goodness, that is so cute!"

We were about an hour into the Grammys and we were watching an epic segment of "Carpool Karaoke" that featured the awesome James Corden with Jennifer Lopez, Neil Diamond, Blue Ivy, John Legend, and so many other famous "passengers". Everyone was singing a song through a cutout car, making it seem like they were driving on actual streets.

"This is so much fun, Tessa!" I told while steadily moving my head to the beat.

Tessa was doing the same, enjoying James and the others on stage. "I'm glad you're having a good time. Lord knows you needed a change of scenery after what you went through."

"From you told me earlier, the next performer is the one you've been working with, right?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. "You still won't tell me who it is."

"Where's the fun in that, Elise?" Tessa smirked at me. "And it looks like you won't have to wait any longer. Here he comes now."

She pointed at the stage when James Corden had finished their makeshift Carpool Karaoke. The crowd erupted in laughter, loving their little show. "Ladies and gentleman, it's now time for something truly special! One of the greatest performers alive today, go wild for the legendary BRUNO MARS!!!" James announced and the crowd roared in anticipation from seeing one of the younger rising stars in the music business.

As soon as the beat dropped, I perked up to see if I was dreaming of actually seeing Bruno Mars live. I pinched myself and I realized it was no dream when I heard him sang so beautifully from the stage. "♫ Can I take my time? Can I take my time, ohhh! ♫"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.This was really happening!

Bruno Mars was about to sing a live version"That's What I Like", one of my favorite songs from his new album, "24K Magic" and I couldn't wait for him to serenade myself, Tessa, and every woman in attendance with his vocal magic.


Stadium Hallway
Staples Center [Los Angeles, CA.]
February 12, 2017. 9:45 P.M.

"So what did you think of his performances, Elise?"

Tessa and I were walking down the stadium hallway, talking about the events of the Grammys. It would something I would never forget. It would be difficult to try and top it for the one next year. But I know the producers of the show will do something to try and spice it up. The entire show was great and I enjoyed it immensely.

"He is phenomenal when he sings live. I swear he is." After watching that man sing the hell out of that song, Bruno left me feeling something I haven't felt in a long time - hot and bothered. He was looking so good in that dark blue, red, and black track suit and sweat was glistening down the front of his exposed, chiseled chest. For those blissful moments, I forgot how to speak and breathe. I was mesmerized by his stage presence.

"Speaking of which, did you know that he was pointing at you while he was singing?" Tessa inquired. "Bruno thinks he's so slick."

I turned quickly to her. "He...what?"

.:*The One Who Protects His Magic*:. || A Bruno Mars FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now