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That familiar feeling of terror was coming back and I had to do something quickly. If I screamed, it would alert the nurses and I'll never get out of the hospital. But if I remained silent, Maléfica will kill me while I'm in here. Even though it was futile and my hands were bound to this bed, I tried desperately reached for the call button that would alert someone to come into the room.

"I wouldn't press that button if I were you, my little devil." My struggle seemed to only fuel Maléfica's sadistic desire. "I only came by to see how you were doing. I don't need you causing a scene like you did the other day."

"How did you get in here?" I was scared to even ask that but I had to know.

"Silly David," Maléfica chidded. "People who work for me are hidden in the shadows and out in the open. I'm not the Queen of the Slums for nothing, you know? Tell me something. Are you enjoying your stay at the hospital? Do you feel safe here?"

"I did until you showed up," I spat at her, frustrated at myself for not being able to do anything about this situation.

"Hmmm, that's a shame. It truly is," She sat down on the side of the bed, crossing one leg over the other. "How's your little brother these days?"

Her gloved hand caressed the side of my face and I felt a horrible shiver run down my spine from her touch. "He's somewhere safe and you'll never find him."

"You wanna bet on that?"

Maléfica pulled something out from the back of her pocket and she showed it to me. She had a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note phone and she pressed the power button on it to reveal the empty streets of Fresno.

For what I can see, I was looking at a place that was near downtown and it was still daylight. I thought it wouldn't be something of importance until I saw something that stopped my heart. I There were two kids who couldn't be no more in their pre-teens walking down the street with their school bags. One was a boy and the other a girl. The young girl I didn't recognize but the boy that was on that screen was my little brother!

I haven't seen him in so long but from the looks of things, he's grown up so well. He was smiling and the girl he was with was making him laugh. They were enjoying each other's company while sharing a Kit Kat bar together.

"Such a handsome little man he's become, don't you think? He looks just like you. And do you know the little girl that he's walking with? Well, that's his best friend McKenzie Dupree, the niece of the cop who landed you in the hospital." Maléfica explained.

I was elated to see him again but that made me realize that she had found him and absolute horror swept over me all over again. "How...How did you -?!"

"I already told you -- my eyes are everywhere." Maléfica was relishing in this way too much and turned the phone off to continue her sadistic assault on me. "You can't get away from me, David."

I was livid now. Time and time again I'm trying to pry myself away from those from the binds that held me prisoner. "What do you want?!"

"What if I told you that I had one of my little devils from the interior circle watching them on a day-to-day basis? Waiting for the perfect moment to strike like a snake hunting its prey? You wouldn't want nothing to happen to those little angels, right?" Maléfica inquired.

"Please leave my brother and that girl alone." I was begging her at this point and I didn't care about my dignity or how I sounded for that matter. "Those kids have nothing to do with this!!!"

"You're already on pins and needles with me, so I might as well tell you this. You know that shooting incident that you and Cedrick partook in? They were false targets. I purposely sent you on that chase just to see if were still loyal to me. Turns out that you've outlived your usefulness since you couldn't pull the trigger on those old hags." She confessed.

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