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Sportpaleis Antwerp [Antwerp, Belgium.]
March, 28 2017. 7:40 P.M.


The soft instrumental of "Straight Up and Down" began to play and that queued me that it was finally time for my shift to start my duties during the show. Bruno was in the eighth song in his set for the show and it happened to be one of my guilty pleasures that I personally liked to listen to at night when I couldn't sleep. From the other side of stage, I proceeded to amble to my post where I would relieve my partner of their job for the evening.

Standing next to her was Dre Stewart, one of the veteran bodyguards who offered his services and worked for Bruno over the last few years. I had the pleasure of meeting him before the tour had began and while most people were uneasy around him because of his size and his adamant personality, he grew on me quickly and we eventually hit it off. He was cool and laid-back in my opinion and he took his job seriously, which was something I appreciate from one person to another.

As I continued to make my way to my post, my eyes met Larissa's and she immediately glared at me. This woman was someone I couldn't even begin to understand and every now and then, she would look at me with discontent and wave me off as some kind of nuisance to her. I wanted to brush off that hostility that I sensed from when I first met her back in February, but it remained there. I haven't done anything to her that would cause her to show such enmity to me, but If this behavior didn't stop, then I would inform Dre and Tessa about this before it got too out of hand.

We were close to each other now and when she passed by me, she mumbled something under her breath and that immediately caught my attention. I peered over my shoulder to her, gazing at her back while she traipsed away. Perhaps I had heard wrong or nothing at all, but I was more than certain that she had said something to me. I would worry about that later, but I had a job to do.

I got to the center of the stage where Dre was and I gave him a quick pound before standing on the opposite side of him, giving him some much needed space. "You looked distressed about something, Elise. You alright?"

"I'm fine, Dre," I partied lied to him, making sure that he didn't suspect anything from me for the time being. "Just a little tired from today." I leaned against wall of the stage, the sensation of the cool, crisp material pressed against my clothed back. A small beam of light was present on the cemented ground and Bruno approached the edge of the stage.

"Girl, I bet your momma named you good lookin'," Bruno's voice glide into the lyrics as he sang so beautifully into the microphone. "Cause you sure look good to me."

The screams of the girls from the front row intensified, I snickered from their frivolous yet cute behavior towards Bruno. He must have been enticing the audience by gently padding himself with a fresh, clean towel that was embroidered with a crown design on it. I remembered fondly when Tessa briefed on what to expect during the show and this was part of it. He was about to toss his towel to a lucky concert-goer in the audience and that person would have something of Bruno to remember him by.

"My attention, oh, yes, you just took it," Bruno resumed his sultry serenade with the ladies and padded himself a few more times with the towel for good measure. "You're probably the finest thing that I ever seen."

One young girl in particular was practically tearing up at the sight of Bruno, shouting such sweet endearments to him like any fan would. On the other hand, if he were to toss that towel and she caught it, nine times out of ten, she would lose consciousness and pass out. I don't blame these girls at all from how they were acting because Bruno was a force to be reckon with. He can sing, dance, write his own music, plus play a plethora of different instruments? He was simply out of this world from his musical talent.

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