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Meeting RoomBruno's Mansion [Los Angeles, CA

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Meeting Room
Bruno's Mansion [Los Angeles, CA.]
March 20, 2017. 1:18 P.M.


"All right," Tessa had a clipboard in her hand and was currently marking everything off with her pen, circling the table that was filled with different people that represented Bruno's team. "I've went over this list about a dozen times and we have everything we need to for the tour. Are you ready for this, Bruno?"

"I'm too ready, Tessa!" I couldn't contain my excitement for too much longer. Going on tour again and performing for Hooligans all over the world has got me more than eager to get on the road. "Let's do this shit! Doowops and Hooligans on three! One, two, three!"

"DOOWOPS AND HOOLIGANS!!!" Everyone yelled in unison and mostly everyone in the room began to disperse, gathering up their belongings and getting ready to leave.

Larissa, Tessa, myself, and the Hooligans were engaged in a drawn out meeting for several hours now. We've been preparing to leave for the airport and take the long plane ride that would take us to Europe. It would be the first stop on this world tour where fifty-five of our shows would take place and I could wait to get the show started. Most of the people were leaving out of the room, going back to their places to finish packing up their things or say goodbye to their loved ones. The only ones who were still left were me, Phil, Tessa, and Larissa who stayed to herself throughout the majority of the meeting.

I had a glass of Hennessy earlier and I figured I would have another glass to celebrate the jump off for the new tour. While I was refilling up my glass, my phone vibrated from my pocket and I reached inside it to see who it was it. "Hello?" When I heard the voice on the receiver, my demeanor changed from elated to mildly annoyed. "What the hell do you want?"

My tone caught the attention of everyone who was still in the room. I listened to whatever the other person was saying and my annoyance soon turned into irritation. Without much remorse, I ended the call regardless of whether the other person was finished or not.

Tessa gave me that all knowing glare of hers. Particularly where I would do something wrong or just completely out of line. "Who was that?"

"Nobody." I simpered.

"Well, what's 'nobody's' name?" Phil inquired, cleaning the rims of his glasses.

Tessa huffed at me. "Was it that woman that called you again?"

"Which one?" I feigned ignorance, but Larissa was not having it.

"The one you were fucking in the office last month, smart ass." I winced when Larissa said that in such a callous way. No doubt that Tessa filled her in on what happened and she probably wasn't over that incident.

"Maybe." Wait a minute. Why the hell was I lying? "Could of been. I don't know."

"Bruno, this is like the fourth time she's called you this week." Phil wasn't too keen on me dating anybody. Then again, so was Larissa, Eric, and everyone else. He was always a bit wary when it came down to me and women. "You're just going to break things off with her like that? You're not gonna return her phone calls?"

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